Not eatin after 7pm, Not eatin till 12pm next day.
17 Hour a day Fasting.
Was 188.8 Lbs.
Now 181.7 Lbs.
Loss 7.1 Lbs in 4 days. 1700-1800Cals a day.
Way ahead of the 177.6 Lbs goal with 42 days to go.

🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives
Almost fighting weight?
Two missing ‘g’ s

Warrior on my knees a digital warrior GOD BROUGHT ME HERE Here I am LORD is it WWG1WGA MEGA justice War room is where I take my battles
I have been fasting since 11/4/2020 from midnight until noon every day praying that all of this will end until it does I will continue on. i’m down a solid 35 pounds. this is the same weight I was in seventh grade needless to say I’m 55 now

looks like 42 days to go,a time and cant decipher the other clue

Oh my so many tidbits 1776,for one.
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Only followers of this user (@Kimber333) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Kimber333) can see their posts

Did you take an advice from Dr Oz , Vincent ??? 🤔. " Oz has spoken in favor of the disputed practice of intermittent fasting " :

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
so one more question, so no coffee til noon? ah fasting becomes a sacrifice, but suppose worth it to restore the earth suit best as you can💛since med beds in the distant future

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
oh i see you are limiting calories, are there foods you’re not eating or just straight up calories💛

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
wow 7.1 lbs in 4 days wow👊how is your moody? darn no excuse, i have to get myself together and try, though guys typically lose easier than women, something bout the carbs help our serotonin. so what are you eating, or is this keto along with the fasting💛

🇺🇸I ❤️God, Family and America🇺🇸 Been lurking and learning since 2016, first Q drop, and CBTS. 🙏 Psalm 23 🙏 #GodWins #LoveTrump
In 4 days it will be Tuesday the 17th.

😎17 ?? 1776 ?? and 42 days ?? Really ??

A patriot who stands for freedom! 27 year military wife. Stand strong Patriots!
off topic but your thoughts on UN vehicles being spotted on road in VA and TX? swat style. @vincentkennedy

Оче наш, који си на небесима, да се свети име Твоје, да дође царство Твоје, да буде воља Твоја и на земљи као на небу
what kind of a magic riddle is this

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂
42 days is like June 24th are there any Q drops from that day.. going to look

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂
There are several posts from around that time. Some in 2018 referring to banking system. Since I am not tech saavy I cannot bring them over without 900 screenshots. 😂

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked

God loving, Gun loving Military and Blue Family. Constitutional Law Abiding Citizen.

for entertainment purposes only. may contain bias or harmful knowledge of world, events and gematria.

The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime

Father, Brother, Son…Freedom lover non conformist since Day 1. Friend till the end. #FamilyIsEverything.
.havent seen 188 Since 8 th grade

Defender of FREEDOM. We are entering A BRAVE NEW WORLD. Yes, there will be labor pains.

Widowed, Proud Digital Warrior. #Trump2020 #America🇺🇸 #TheGreatAwakening
1776 🤔

Kraken sez: Ahhh VK, Kraken has decided to alter his quest. I will join you to fast 17hrs...and to loose 17lbs in those same 42 days. #DOITFORQ No hill too high for a climber.

Fasting is Good, What you have after you Break the Fast is just as important!
During fasting it's important to drink plenty of water. The human body can survive weeks without food, but most people can only survive 2 to 4 days without water. After the fast switch into drinks likes milk, fruit juices or blended smoothies. These are a gentle way of giving your body some nutrition. AVOID sugar heavy drinks. Later on to eat; nibble on dried fruits that provide carbs and fiber, or sip on some brothy soups that help keep you hydrated. Look for soups that have protein: lentils, beans, meat or poultry for staying power until your next meal and carbs, like pasta or rice, for quick energy. Lean into healthy: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lentils, healthy fats and lean protein. Just because you've gone without food for awhile doesn't mean you should overindulge afterward. 🤭😋

A patriot who stands for freedom! 27 year military wife. Stand strong Patriots!
i prefer small meals all day. nibbling is awesome.

Child of God. ❤️🇺🇸 Family is everything. Proud Navy mom and Grandma. Deepest love and respect for the USA and her symbols. Back the Blue!
No this little old body…cant survive weeks without food. Few hours without earting and I get cranky with the potential of becoming a serial liller! 😳🤣

Hubby has been doing this for years... works well for him too, limits junk food and carbs, but not much else. As humans we were not designed to eat what and how we are now. Good luck!

Wow...I started this last Thursday!
It is almost 1pm here today and I am just now getting hungry! (I have only lost some water weight, but I feel better in general). 🤷♀️.
Huge plus..Not craving bad food or sugar