Dennis Young
@Scorpiat* Married Patriot * NRA Instructor * NRA Range Safety Officer * LE security instructor * Conservative * Christian * I ba...

Andromeda Starr
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@Commonsense8009JESUS IS REAL! AND MY SAVIOUR! Trump supporter 100% - (You'll find out!) A loving BOOMER Grandmother & A Texas farm...

Myra Raney
@myralynnrServant of God, persuer of the truth, Patriot, dog breeder. WWG1WGA (Please don't follow me if you are looking for ...

Zdenak Bourgeoi..
@ZdenakBourgeoisANTI DEEP STATE , Conservative 🙏, Patriot4Life 🍿🌩🌎🧐 Question Everything.🐸

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Joseph Orton
@jomama2012Digital Warrior, "The Best Is Yet To Come" Never, Ever Give Up, The Lion Of Judah, President Trump Sacrificed...

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Alice Allen
@AlicestphaniezA proud mom with 2 kids kelvin and janell by names. I’m reaching out to millions of individuals/companies around the wo...

Vijay Menon
@vijayQI’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA...

Raymond .......
@Twitmo4lifeProud American Patriot ,Veteran & Trump loyalist 🇺🇸 Will never quit nor get tired of winning! 🇺🇸 Fighting the fight ...

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Vincent Ke..
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Ghost Ezra
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@SantaSurfing -
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