SeaChelle Rosebrook
@SeaChelleNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
tell me something good.

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
super pissed off! my dil just told me she and my son plan to get the ¥©×.
i told them they had to wait until they no longer live in my house.

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
It's about 3 things.
1: Children. The sacrifice required by Their "god".
2: Money: gold, precious metals, and children, all currencies really.
3: Control. Guns, vaccines, governments, and compliance
That's what is going on in this world.
That is why I fight.

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
Red pilling the red pilled...

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
on YouTube, watch anything with Jessie Czeboter, or Bishop Larry Gaiters!

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

Just A 30 Year British Army Paratrooper Who Is Now A Proud American Patriot Who Stands 4 Square Behind President Trump.

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
it only took 3 days on facebook to get Nother time out.

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
this got me Fakebook banned today.

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
Cue the Marines:
You can bury the workmen, but the work will go on.

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
How long until Facebook bans me?
I decided to let Facebook give me the boot.
Don't worry, it won't take long.
Q's 4 you.
1: What does DUMB stand for?
2: Why are so many earthquakes worldwide concentrated at 10 meters deep?
3: what is Greenland?
4: Is there a new movie about Greenland?
5: How much of America is "National Parks" ?
6: How many people have disappeared in National Parks in the last 60+ - years?
7: What mythological symbol is an "obelisk" or Monolith? What Major Cities are they found in?
8: What is CERN?
9: Who is pushing the "Great Reset"?
10: Who owns the "Central Banks"? The "Federal Reserve"?
11: What is taxation?
12: who are Baal and Moloch?
13: What sacrifice is offered to them?
2 Kings 23: 10
2 Kings 21 :6
14: what does an upside down cross symbolize?
15: Who wears one?
16: What are "Panda eyes"?
17: Who wears makeup symbolizing "Panda Eyes?

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
last bomb for the day on Facebook...
All Y'all in Texas gonna love this one...

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
the next bomb I dropped on Facebook.
And, before I go.
A few more shocking words for the sleeping.
Kary Mullis. "Heart attack". What did he invent? When did he die?
What is patent WO2020060606 for?
What is Luciferase used in?
Who is Charles Schwab? What is the name of his book?
What is the Moderna Operating System? Software of Life?
Can your thoughts be controlled?
Your speech can
Your access to information can.
But this is internal. A human operating system.
Why create a -V- if
Ivermectin - Budenoside- and H C Q work?
Didja hear the one about the Rockefeller plan?
How about typing this into your search engine?
" Charles Lieber Arrested DOJ"
key notes in that search... 50K - month from China
Nano Tech / Human body.
While we are using the search engine, here's a few more.
"Fresh never frozen humanized mice"
"Gain of function"
"Newsweek Dr Faucci backed Wuhan lab"
Oooh, that guy is freaking evil!
Almost as evil as his buddy Bill.
Yeah, the GATES of hell

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
Before I close my Facebook ( again) I decided to get banned.
This is What I wrote.
Currency at the border
Currency in the playground
Currency of the rich
Selling the poor
Beautiful babies being slaughtered
So someone can get high
Precious lives forever taken
800k per day in America alone.
Where are the babies?
Teekah, Skye
Amd millions more
Who required their sacrifice?
Why do we sit by?
Not my child?
Not my problem?
Until it is.
Eating them is the end of the horrors.
The beginning is worse.
Dear God,
You need to wake the masses.
Before it's too late!

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
Pro tip: Keep your guns upstairs. Biden will never be able to get to them.

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
I opened my facebook for the first time since Jan 7 to put out a call for people to join me in prayer for our community. I intend to walk my town and annoint the streets and buildings. I am actually shocked at how many people I know still using that platform.

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴
"As noted by Martin, you cannot have a vaccine that does not meet a single definition of a vaccine. So, again, what would motivate these companies, U.S. health agencies and public health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci to lie and claim that these gene therapies are in fact vaccines when, clearly, they are not?
If they actually called it what it is, namely “gene therapy chemotherapy,” most people would — wisely — refuse to take it. Perhaps that’s one reason for their false categorization as vaccines. But there may be other reasons as well."
~Martin Geddes
Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines - LewRockwell
Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren’t vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They’re really experimental gene therapies. I discussed this troubling fact in a recent interview with molecu..
SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
6 months after my heart attack. I am finally strong enough to watch 2 of my grandboys full time again. My car is broken down, I have collection agencies calling about the bills we couldn't get written off. But I'm holding the forking line!

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
I'm trying my damndest to reconcile these...

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
which is the real Whitehouse?