More truth coming out.

I have done EXTENSIVE research, on a scholarly level (highest medical level I could reach) on Ivermectin for 3 years. We use it to treat our family's long term Lyme disease and Bartonella from tick bites 10 years ago. So believe me when I say, I KNOW all about Ivermectin and I have seen pretty much every scholarly website out there.

I have never seen this article, was it hidden? Ivermectin is here to stay, and the info is now available everywhere - including the new studies they are doing on using this drug to fight cancer (and fenbendazole - a goat and sheep dewormer, that apparently wipes out human cancer very fast...funny that, dewormers killing virus and cancer does that mean virus and cancer is caused by a parasite and not what we've always been told...hmmmm???).

Read the first paragraph under 'introduction' for yourself... Media hid this from dying people = pure evil.

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Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

If anyone has replied to me and I haven't responded, I've missed you in the flurry of notifications... Please repost your comment and I'll get back with you.

I had no idea that post was going to go crazy.

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

This resonates with me

I started doing research first with the hcq then ivermecctin

I was seeing a naturopathic doctor who finally diagnosed a long time problem - turned out I had listeria bacteria in my system & it's a tick bourne parasite like what causes lyme disease

He had me on several detox regimens & the bacteria count was slowly going down, but I wondered if ivermectin might do the trick

He certainly didn't object so I took some of the "horse dewormer" 😜 - the apple flavor - and when I saw him again several weeks later all signs of inflamation caused by the bacteria were gone

I have a bottle of the liquid ivermectin & I still measure a dose to take weekly as a preventative - it's bitter even when I dilute it with filtered water but hey, this stuff *works* & it's worth it to me

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Starry Peacock to her Publication

I think there are 24 or 28 diseases we get from ticks - nasty little boogers. And almost always there are 2-4 that we get when bit. I still think Lyme was a bioweapon that got loose - no history of it before the 1950's. And we had the Nazi scientists welcome to the US and all kinds of experiments in all different categories going on...

You're smart to do the weekly dosing and you are really fortunate to have a naturopath who works with you like that. I wish all doctors were open to this, or allowing patients to have a say in what they want to do while the doctor keeps them safe by ordering bloodwork and checking for med interactions. :(

The liquid ivermectin is a lot cheaper than the tablets I get overseas - so thankful we can still get it OTC.

What were your symptoms for listeria? And what did your naturopath think!!! I know he can't prescribe that - but wow, he must have been happy and floored :)

Retired psychologist. Love USA, POTUS, vets. Here to support those who aren't quite "there." Twt axed me same day as DJR. badge of h

In response Starry Peacock to her Publication

I would like to talk w/ you about the "dosing" -- I bought the horse dewormer, apple flavor - I am dealing w/ Stg 4 cancer and would like to try - I mentioned to Doc at Moffitt but she wasn't very (+) about it. Feel free to DM me - I'd love to know more. thank you

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In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Years ago I was seeing a famous Lyme dr.
Months went by & I wasn't getting better.
I sat in the examining room, sullen, sulking & silent.
My doctor finally said, "I'm trying to get you well. Why do you think we use combinations of antibiotics? We're trying to replicate what one drug does."
I thought for a moment & said, "So why don't you give me that drug?"
"Can't," he answered.
"Why?" I asked.
He shrugged & said, "Politics."
I thought for another moment & said, not without a hint of derision, "So tell me what the drug is- JUST IN CASE the 'POLITICS' change."
He said, "Ivermectin."
I wouldn't remember the name so I asked him to write it down & he wrote "Stromectal," which is the brand name for Ivermectin.
I saved the paper but since he said he couldn't prescribe it, I didn't pursue the matter - until years later when a few friends & I figured out that we had parasites & we researched to find Ivermectin was a remedy. I shared my info which got me in a bit of hot water.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Every Time to her Publication

Amazing how sharing what works is a problem...sigh.

I have done so much research, and there was one doctor in Columbia, South America who would treat US citizens. I learned a lot from some of his patients, couldn't afford to fly there and be treated (and there were 8 of 10 in my family that had Lyme). But based on his protocol and everything else I read, I figured it out and what a huge impact it made for us.

SO SO SO thankful to be able to order meds from overseas too - and not rely on a US doctor who has to have a reason they believe in to give an Rx... We're prisoners here, with a medical community who doesn't believe things like Lyme, Fibromyalgia, Bartonella, etc exist because those higher up and big pharm can't make money on the simple, cheap, quick and easy cures...

Good for you for putting all that together and helping yourself - I'm always in hot water. Mainly because I advocate for children, I've lost jobs but helped kids, so worth it in the end.

#God #MAGA #Trump #Flynn #Family #Cats #Horses #Happiness #MyLifeMatters

In response Every Time to her Publication

I got CV and my Dr refused to give it to me. I argued that I had a right to try. She still refused saying that she would lose her license, I said what good is your license if your patients are dying? I went online and complained to the Dr who owned clinic. He fired her and prescribed me ivermectin. This war is ugly.

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We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

And how did these people get the parasite??? Childhood vaccines. It's like my head nurse told me back in the early/mid 80's right out of nursing school. "If people only realized what they were injecting into themselves and their children, they would never agree to vaccines. Since the advent of vaccines, cancer rates have tripled along with the diseases we treat people for" (and this was in the 80's). Fast forward to 2022. I don't know if she's still alive or not, but many laughed and scoffed at her.....................until a flux of children were admitted through the ER over the weekend for whatever vaccine they had to have to start school at that time. I don't remember what month or year that was, but parents waited until the last minute before school started to get their kids vaccines. We had at least 25 kids. There were so many, our small hospital had to ferret them out to other area hospitals. No investigation. Just sh............, you didn't see or hear anything.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Made In America to her Publication

Yes! I worked ER, I saw the same influx. Also lots of babies who got their 2, 4, 6 month shots, etc. And the 'SIDS' deaths always after vaccination.

My first 4 were partially vaxxed because we had Kaiser and were threatened we would have CPS called if we refused - after one of my kids nearly died from a 106 temp after the acellular DPT that isn't supposed to cause a fever, and the doctor said my child must have already been sick (3 hours earlier at a well check with no fever or signs of anything wrong) and the doctor refused to report it VAERS, that was it. We switched insurance companies and I left Kaiser forever.

The next 4 kiddos had no vaccines, ever.

I also worked for 2 years with vax trials and major HMO kids who were experimented on (major Uni did the trials, tested them on HMO kids, we had to report side effects - but we were told NOT to report side effects or we would be 'let go').

I've always said, once it is injected there is no way to get it out again.

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a truth purveyor. a new day is dawning. truth is rising. evil is falling.

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Florida is in the tropics. I just emailed this link after reading it to our Governor and a few other of my elected officials. Thank you for this sharing this article. Also trying to have my elected state senator to create a bill to allow Ivermectin to be OTC or behind the counter at the Pharmacy or for the Pharmacist to be able to dispense without a precription. Two States just passed laws to allow the dispensing of Ivermectin.
HOW the good ones in state legislatures are routing around the plan/scam-demic

Things I love and defend without pause: Family, God, America, Trump, Kennedy, Truth, Loyalty, Honesty * Proudly kicked off Twitter 4 X

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

amazing and thank you

a truth purveyor. a new day is dawning. truth is rising. evil is falling.

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication


#ibelieve All can benefit by living your best balanced life! “Go boldly in the direction of your the life you imagined! ♥️🇺🇸

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Wow! An amazing, eye opening MUST READ article! Thank you for sharing! 💜

I love you all and I love President Trump #wwg1wga 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Hi dear Laurie ...I tried to send u a message but it says i "dont have permissions " maybe its a setting u have ?? i was going to order a few things u suggested from an indian pharm but would much rather order in US .....

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Rachel T22 to her Publication

I've never used message before - let me figure this out ;)

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Follower more than a poster.

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Around Christmas-time of 2021 my entire family and a few friends all tested positive for CV. I went out to Tractor Supply and went on a two week regiment of Equimax w/ 1.87% Ivermectin (horse paste) and had zero side effects. I went back out to Tractor Supply the next week to re-stock for a "just in case" and it was no longer on the shelf. I didn't ask if it was sold out or just not replenished. Also, I'm not a doctor or giving medical advice, just one frog's experience.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response RQLLQ to his Publication

You can order online from many places, including livestock supply companies - in case you want to get more of what worked for you. I order both here in the US (injectable pure ivermectin that we use orally) and overseas (12 mg tablets).

It does work really well. I have two that don't have Lyme and didn't take ivermectin (both adult male sons who pooh-poohed momma). They both got Covid, I am a former nurse and I have heard all kinds of coughs - never heard one like that before and that was day 1. Sick sick sons... Treated them with ivermectin day 1, by day 2 they were almost over it and only a fever remained on day 3. They had 4 full days of 12 mg doses and it was done and over with. Their friend on the other hand, ended up in ICU and now 2.5 months later is still on an oxygen machine at home. He refused my offer of ivermectin, then when he was really sick begged for it - it started to help, but it was slow going, he has a long road ahead. Kicks himself now for not taking it sooner

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In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication


Family is everything. MAGA. Dark to Light! 🥰🥰God Bless President Trump, Flotus & family.🙏🏻 🇺🇸WWG1WGA. 🇺🇸 God always wins. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

I learned about parasites after researching issues I was having after beginning immunotherapy medication. It is a damn shame how uninformed so many doctors are, drove me nuts! A doctor actually told me i was having a psychotic episode. WHAT!! Next doctor prescribed Ivermectin, but he will not any longer...since [their] evil lies about a very safe medication.

Sadly, my Dad died of rare bile duct cancer 3 years ago. 2 weeks ago, my Mom passed away from breast cancer, which reemerged in her stomach lining, also very rare. Mom was taking Ivermectin, Zinc, etc, but not the high doses she would have needed. Both my parents are gone (70 & 69) 😔 from these evil monsters who cause all of these horrific diseases. I loathe them all!

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Trump Girl to her Publication

I'm so sorry about your parents. They still had many years left they could have lived and loved with you :(

Yes, doctors are almost on level with the media. And any who question are attacked by their own to keep them in line.

I don't know how to message on here, I have never had the need before. If you can message me I can share where you can get your own ivermectin without an Rx, both here in the US and overseas. People are now reduced to becoming their own doctors and finding what works however they can.

If I can help you find resources that work for you, I'm happy to help.

Patriot. Trump Supporter. Tear is for Maddie McCann and all abused children.

In response Trump Girl to her Publication

I'm so sorry for your loss. Both my parents died from what I call Murder by Physician so I totally understand. Stay strong.

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In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

A very good NATURAL dewormer is as follows.

Jar of honey.
Cloves of Garlic

Peel and stab garlic. Add garlic to jar of honey and wait 30 days to ferment.

Take 1 or 2 teaspoons a day.

This is a natural probiotic, dewormer and gut balancer. Kills viruses and bacteria too. Builds the immune system.

Simple and cheap.

If you do something like Ivermectin, it's good to do a liver support after finishing the medicine.

First week is the roughest if you have parasites.

In response Angela Hart to her Publication

Doesn't this go rancid? Do you keep it refrigerated?

In response Angela Hart to her Publication

ThanQ will get right on this protocal

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Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Hi Laura! I have a question about ivermectin. I have been deworming horses, cattle, dogs and cats all of my life with both Fenbenzadole and Ivermectin. I was always told to not allow horses in poor pastures to eat nightshades after deworming with Ivermectin. They supposedly become toxic. (Most horses won’t eat them anyway but I always used caution.) My question is, with Ivermectin use for humans, should humans steer clear of tomatoes and potatoes for a few days since those are in the nightshade plant family? Thanks in advance!!!

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Texas Cowgal to her Publication

No, it's fine to eat nightshades. That is our main diet here and we've been using Ivermectin every 4 days for 3 years... Nightshades have natural inflammation reducers in them, so people who are sick or don't feel well (I have fibro, constant inflammation and pain 24/7) crave nightshades.

The one issue that might come up is joint pain can increase, almost like an arthritis type pain if A LOT of nightshade is ingested. But we haven't seen that here with us personally.

Animals digest differently and I honestly don't know about horses - all other livestock I'm bang on with (homesteading for 35 years). I've never had to keep my livestock from nightshades when dosing. I get the ivermectin in 500cc bottles and mainly do oral dosing (pigs and cows I've injected). Maybe it is how it is delivered - oral verses injected that is the issue?

Fascinating question - I think I'll research that just because I'm curious ;) But for us, we've never had an issue and we eat A LOT of nightshades.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Texas Cowgal to her Publication

Also - everything I have researched for human use, there has never ever been a mention or even a hint that you can't take it with foods. Some medications are contraindicated, especially ones hard on the liver.

It is a very mild medication that packs a punch, which is why it is considered one of the top 3 safest meds in the world. I can be used with almost all other meds, but always check on under interactions to make sure since we do this without a doctor's help...ergh. If they would ONLY get on board with reality and what actually words :(

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In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

If you havent read the book Chronic by Phillips and Parish, you should. Eye opening. 👀

Trump deplorable, MAGA, KAG, SA, Take America Back, WWG1WGA

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Does it mention up to what stage cancer it will work?

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

In response Brian McCAnon to his Publication

Research but not on your phone. His blog is not set up for mobile devices and is very hard to read and navigate on a phone.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Brian McCAnon to his Publication

That is starting to be researched now - but I have read even stage 4 it can work when other methods are used as well. Like a purely keto diet (as in ZERO carbs), carbs feed cancer, proteins and fats cannot be used by cancer so the cancer cells starve. That's just one example of other methods - high doses of Vit D, Zinc (both are anti-parasitics), etc.

Fenbendazole has been shown to hit cancer at farther stages too, in a harder way, than ivermectin. And we have HCQ that can't be left out, but that one although an anti-parasitic, can be hard on the body. It is also used for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients and is a common med used to treat Lyme disease. All these connections...and the same basic meds (anti-parasitic) treat and cure them.

It really makes me question everything I was taught and have known in nursing, in life really. If HCQ cures C and treats RA and kills parasites and and it ALL linked together??? Where do the lies end?

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Family is everything. MAGA. Dark to Light! 🥰🥰God Bless President Trump, Flotus & family.🙏🏻 🇺🇸WWG1WGA. 🇺🇸 God always wins. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Justice = Just Us Honored to be followed by Vincent Kennedy.

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Thank you I have been doing research on Lyme for my daughter. It is hidden but I found in Europe they are having great success controlling Lyme with Ivermectin. Right now we can’t get Ivermectin due to Covid. I do have 30 tablets at home 12mg each. It sounds like you take it every day. Would it be worth while to give her the 30 tablets daily? I have the supply just incase we get Covid.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Lincoln Mom to her Publication

There are many other ways to get ivermectin - hold on to the tablets for now in case of Covid.

I don't know how to send you a message on here, never had to do that before... Can you send me a message that I can reply to? I can tell you where to get Ivermectin here in the US as well as overseas.

We used Ivermectin with Doxycycline 100 mg twice a day (also bought overseas without an Rx) for 6 weeks to treat Lyme and Bartonella - then we keep Lyme at bay with a dose of ivermectin every 4 days (some people take it once a week, we found that was too long, so every 4 days...side benefit, no Covid ;) Two of my kids who don't have Lyme don't take Ivermectin, they got Covid, I treated them with Ivermectin and by day 2 it was GONE. My kids are adults...

Send me a message if you can, or I'll see if my kids can figure out how to send you one.

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Just a deplorable gal in Alaska. Praying that our repentance has allowed for God's grace upon the United States of America! #MAGA

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

I too believe in Ivermectin as a cure for not only cancer but many diseases. Using the paste 1.87% on scars, precancerous spots... they are already greatly improved. Taking it orally is more beneficial. A great source for this is on Telegram: Dirt Road Discussions.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response AK_ Kiff to her Publication

Thank you. I can't get on Telegram, they require a cell phone number and I don't own a cell phone ;) I appreciate you copying and pasting that here so I can read it. I am always looking for more info.

In response AK_ Kiff to her Publication

Dirt Road on Telegram is the best!! You can go to their recordings and listen. Also go to pin post for recipes etc.

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In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Do you think it would work for neutropenia?

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Loret Alen to his Publication

I honestly have no idea, I'm not that familiar with it. That would take some research. I'm sorry I can't help with that right now. I doubt it would make it worse, ivermectin is very safe. See what you can find out with some basic research and go from there?

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In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Do you think it would work for neutropenia?

PI Pro bono for the children. Following our missing children since 2015.Anonymous no more Kelly Patton Wichita KS Gkids seized by Idaho CPS

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Thank you for sharing!

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response MonaLisa GoneRogue to her Publication

Hope it helps. It has been a lifesaver, truly, for Lyme and Bartonella for us. I had one child in a wheelchair from Lyme, she has permanent brain damage now - she walks, just off balanced sometimes. Another child had his heart infected from Bartonella, throwing tons of PVC's, the cardiologist had never heard of Bartonella Quintana (Trench Fever - killed many soldiers in WWI), I was floored - Bartonella kills by attacking the heart after years of invading the body. This child is in remission now and doing really well - before he slept 24/7 and could barely speak. I had no help from doctors.

I've told people throughout all of Covid - Ivermectin is one of the top 3 safest medications in the world for humans. It isn't just "horse medicine"... It is used in vet and human use and always has. Almost all human meds are used for animals too, even psych meds!

I hope those media people are truly held accountable, so many deaths could have been prevented :(

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Only followers of this user (@Joey) can see their posts

I look forward to a future where I can learn the truths of the past.

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

When I was much younger, around 10, lost my 17 year old sister to acute myloid leukaemia. I recently checked her med history and she'd had a jab in the previous year. She was otherwise healthy.

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

My husband lost his mother 10/31/ 2015 to Colon cancer and his father 8/16/2016 to colon cancer.

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