live feeds there never show anything either

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
Yes - however their power grid and internet infrastructure is nowhere close to ours. Yes, they are a large country, but due to the corrupt government, the citizens have very little comfort or freedom. That is exactly why Putin intervened - to retrieve the Russian people from that tyranny. Also, the only people with lots of technology are in cahoots with the corrupt government.


Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
The next time you hear a group of people talking about the "war" in Ukraine ask them how they know there is a "war" going on, there's no footage except for fake stuff from the lying MSM.

Patriot, Catholic, Vietnam Era U.S. Army veteran, father to my 22 y/o Son serving in the USCG. UM Z God Wins. Trump 2020. BTW Its flat.
MSM needs to manufacture it. Give 'em a minute