Moving at Z Speed of Thought. The truth has only one master. All Timelines converged. I pledge to you all that I AM.
The "Twist". Imagine if Trump negotiates the release of all civilians... A Taliban Redpill.
You can more clearly see the setup
coming in the movie now. I read the Taliban was working to instal Basadar, a Taliban member open to peace talks, who Trump released from Pakistanis. It is looking like Trump released him on the deal that he would be playing a role in "the live movie " up the road. He will make Trump look like a hero and Biden a zero. Let's never forget all this orchestration is the work of whoever all the mystery Q team is. Wild!
Pakistan frees Taliban co-founder at US request; will play constructive role in Afghan peace initiative
Pakistan released Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar at US’ request to help expedite the Afghan peace talks. It is believed that the senior Taliban leader could also play a constructive role in the Afghan peace initiative also felt this same thing. Trump knew that Afghanistan was take from their rightful people by our corrupt DS and maybe he's had a hand in giving these people a chance to get their land back. While I don't agree with their belief system, it's not the DS or any other country that should play other countries to start wars all for money. I'm still learning but that's what I'm feeling.
I think with that country it was about taking over the Opium that funded black projects for the DS and see eye ay. So many lives were destroyed over that drug, so many lives were lost and injured within our Military the DS used for their drug-running agenda. The DS must be made to pay for their crimes. It is my understanding that the see eye ay is who and what prompted this "hate Against America" attitude in that region. The Khazars always hated us, they hate everyone. Not all in the middle east are Khazars. I have faith this is all being sorted out and revealed to a wider audience now. What a massive operation this has been. So many like Pat Tilman, enlisted to defend us against Terrorist ( now we know they were created by the DS) and when he realized he was protecting drug crops in Afganistan, he was going to out the operation to the public and then was sent home with two bullets through his skull. How many others? God bless them all, God bless us all.
Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
OH I see! The drugs are from there. I wonder if this is the drugs the queen and our DS pharma uses? Thank you for the explanation. I'm learning all sorts of stuff I didn't know.
Rest in peace all these heroes that are giving their lives for truth.