Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Don't vax ever. God gave us bodies with immune systems for a reason.
However, wouldn't it be hilarious if everyone getting the vax was getting the "Trump HCQ Vax"?
i alwsys hoped that the bad shit was swaped out for good stuff. but i know 2 people that got sick after the first shot. one violent reaction. both ypung healthy peeps. I am strongly opposed to any vax. I had a viloent reaction to my first vax in the 50s and never had another vax until a flu shot a couple years ago. had a bad case of the flu that year snd wont ever do it agsin. I profess natural aids and clean living to ward off disease
so confused on all the mixed messages. not sure why from Trump

Throw Us to the Wolves if you will, We'll Come Back Leading the Pack!
some of them said they got sick like they had the flu...but it got better. I dont know Ive never had a flu shot or the Flu either.