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Do your own research and apply logical thinking.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker. https://t.me/DiedSuddenlyConnecticut
This is the weirdest sharing of a death of a parent. An influencer using Tiktok in a silent message w/ music track is strange. We're each trying to bypass censoring to share controversial information, and sometimes our efforts can lack authenticity and genuine human expression. Yes, we are eager to learn of all serious Covid vaccine adverse reactions that are occurring. But this is an odd sharing of her mom's death. She dubbed Oprah's voice over this clip: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMxRIy7lLa8/
To be honest, after looking at her IG account, I almost thought she was trying to gain more traffic. That sounds harsh, but I don't have an experience here of someone going thru a surprise loss. I lost both of my parents during the last 3 years. My father's passing was a shock. Everyone handles loss differently, and she may be doing her best at this time. This feels devoid of grief. I'll wait for the interview.
Hmmmm. My take was very different. Granted she is still in shock but I guessed she is ticked and wants to make sure that her mother's death is not in vain if the vax took her life. It's maybe her way to get vax concerns out to potentially more people.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker. https://t.me/DiedSuddenlyConnecticut
That is true. Hopefully her news interview will go viral. I truly want people to know the horrific risks at stake. Still think it was bizarre video.

Break free of the illusion. We are Light! 🌟 Time to soar! 🎶❤💫 Pro: men & women with souls. Unity & peace among us.
Agree with you about going viral to warn of the dangers.
I also know it is true everyone reacts differently to grief. 😔🙏❤