There's a website too.
Trump is my Pres. JFK, Jr. my VP; Jesus my BFF; Silly, snarky, loving protector of God's family & children. Joshua 1:9 Pureblood. IYKYK.
About a month ago when I went to the website & considered signing up, but there were things that gave me pause. The one that still bothers me is the following in their sign-off language: “We reserve the right to delete or change your Password, or Login Name at any time and for any reason.”. This seems quite odd to me, and I didn't love it.
In hindsight, after reviewing the content more carefully today, I decided that it has the look and feel of our patriotic dream team (especially the campy humor part). Moreover, I signed up for the Health Defenders program and the info is spot and the same general approach I've been using. (I've studied nutrition for many, many years, but I'm NOT a doctor..unless you consider BG or JB doctors!.)
Finally, someone I know of and love is featured on one of the documents. When I first started to read the info, I immediately suspected he was associated with this mission BEFORE I saw his photo and then there it was!!!
Just my 2 cents.
Love Potus and Flotus ❤ JFK Jr, Gen. Flynn 🌟🌟🌟 Georgenews, Gen. Milley.
Love Potus and Flotus ❤ JFK Jr, Gen. Flynn 🌟🌟🌟 Georgenews, Gen. Milley.
Discernment is critical.
Discernment is critical.
Discernment is critical.
I think any site that is strickly a "cover story" is questionable and clearly I would NOT submit any personal info ... that said it is a message of sorts:
(and not a bad message at that!)
Ingersoll Lockwood’s focus is on these ten key areas, with a 200+ year business plan, which started in 1891:
Life – Defend & Extend
Land – Reverse GMO, Reverse Contamination, Speed Travel
Water – Reverse Contamination, Expand Accessibility
Air – Reverse Pollution, Speed Travel, Defend Against HAARP
Fuel – Unleash Hidden and Next Gen Tech – Nearly Limitless
Space – Unleash Hidden and Next Gen Tech – Faster, More Efficient
Computing – Next Generation Privacy, Safety & Security
Communication – Truthful, fact-based, ethical reporting
Education – Unwind Stupidity Training, Unlock History/Future
Entertainment – Wholesome, using 1-9 (above)
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. ~Ephesians 5:11~
They realized the traffic went up, now you can only access with password..
Only followers of this user (@Cordlesssss) can see their posts
God Bless POTUS19! God Bless America! #SaveTheChildren WWG1WGA!
I accessed their website earlier, but now you need authorization. The cat is out of the bag though...
"How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?" Q
All That You Perceive And All That You Do, Is A Manifestation Of Energy, Experienced & Expressed In Love 💫 Pureblood, Starseed, Observer
HA! I finally can see the > and it's part of the picture! 🙃🙂
Suspended 2x on twit. 100% patriot. MAGA. Righteous anger.
It's fake though, innit?
And i think you know that
If Twitler was the battlefield, anonup is the celebration ITS NOT OVER, might as well laugh along the way
time travel, our president djt, updated 2/17/21🤔
the numbers 331 (7) are all over this site
and you can join for free info
God fearing, Jesus loving, constitution loving, Trump supporter,and most of all SAVE THE CHILDREN!
I signed up. Don't know if working as a nurse in nursing home would qualify me as front line worker. I would think so. I am not scared of COVID but more so what the enemy is putting in our food, meds, water, PCR tests. I am for healing the body. I wouldn't want to take away something for people who are more at risk. I would like to time travel- I would like to see the resurection of Christ-that would be glorious! I don't understand all this, kind of vague, no where to agree to terms of agreement? Will they send an email? I posed it to my hubby what could we offer a new world that needs to be retaught everything? Could this help us find what we would excel at? I wasn't a good parent so wouldn't even consider taking a trafficked child, but I could teach them to read, hold their hand, etc... We garden organically, no chemicals, no pesticides, only natural ways. I don't even know if this is the place to talk about this stuff but at least I said it just in case
Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
i threw caution to the winds and signed up on the health defenders page for their free covid info. there is some good stuff there. some stuff we already know, and some new.
Well that was silly wasn't it?! You should guard your info better fren.
10 second search tells me that this website was created last February. Its a Go Daddy site. It has, what, 5 pages? No actual people listed. Social media links that don't work.
And that address is fake too.
Eight generations fighting for freedom from the American Revolution to today. Scot/Huguenot so feisty on both sides. Patriot all the way.
Very interesting...
How they describe themselves:
We leverage what our founder called ‘future vision’ where we deliver solutions based on Trade Secret Predictive Intelligence Team/Technology (TSPI), a mix of futurist inventions, artificial intelligence and machine learning, all used for the good of humanity.
We communicate publicly on our own Open Source Intelligence Platforms (OSINT) as trusted Media Sources (CDMG, CSMG, TTN, more to come…).
We unleash New Technology Safeguards to Defend Humanity from novel Threats (NTSD) and to Accelerate the Great Awakening (NTAGA).
We market our solutions first, on our own Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Media Platforms, then on strategic mainstream media (MSM) platforms.
Website is very interesting. There are no coincidences. 😉
Website is 'fake'. What real company website looks like that?
10 second search tells me that this website was created last February. Its a Go Daddy site. It has, what, 5 pages? No actual people listed. Social media links that don't work.
And that address is fake too.
Anyone could do this.
I think Ghost knows this too. He's stirring the pot to keep things going. Either that or he's as gullible as everyone else on this thread who's been taken in!
Many volunteered, few were chosen. We are the strongest of the strong. Hold the Line. I am the Light, I am the Truth, I am the Love, I AM
Part of the New Paradigm. New ways of creating businesses, healthcare, education, housing, entertainment, infrastructure, agriculture, government that benefit EVERYONE equally and not just a select few.
It's going to be amazing...!
wow.. ok mind officially blown 🤯
These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
I also find the street address for the AmericanHealthDefenders location interesting, and on the second picture, Ingersoll-Lockwood's 200 year plan, claim of the business starting in 1891, and 10 key areas of focus.
OR... you could use a little discernment.
This is not 'real'. Show me a tax filing from the company.
A company allegedly established more than 100 years ago? That you've never heard of, i've never heard of and noone else has wver written about?
10 second search tells me that this website was created last February. Its a Go Daddy site. It has, what, 5 pages? No actual people listed. Social media links that don't work.
And that address is fake too.
These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Hmmm... was pointing us towards this websight a multifold purpose? I'm guessing you knew some of would look around and check things out. I clicked on the big green box at the top, about coming back from 2030, took me to this link:
On that link, I see there was stuff specifically directed towards US Veterans, and saying if we wanted to, we could try to pass the ID.ME verification to learn more. Regular places don't ask for that.
Kind of feel this was directed at my comment on that one post about calling some of us veterans/retirees to help out.
Am I on the right path here@GhostEzra? I could be just reading too far into it too, I've been know to do that from time to time.
PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
interesting site, keeps referring to the " hidden enemy"
Check out the address for that place, pretty cool....
If I have to go to DC I usually hang @ 1300 haha
Descendant of original patriots, Pet foster failure, red state resident
the header on the website... "It's the year 2030, we've discovered a natural way to defeat COVID-30 and all prior variants, shall we bring this formula into the past and deploy the solution for FREE with no-strings attached in 2021 for the benefit of all humanity, starting with American Patriots?""
Giving up on most social media. Keeping the faith, holding the line and taking life day by day!
12 monkeys anyone? where is Bruce Willis?
Still 1000% Patriot & loyalist to Trump(((+)))Team, grateful for their insight, sacrifices, &willingness to return our nation to the people,
I'd feel better about it if it said Made in America