There's a website too.
About a month ago when I went to the website & considered signing up, but there were things that gave me pause. The one that still bothers me is the following in their sign-off language: “We reserve the right to delete or change your Password, or Login Name at any time and for any reason.”. This seems quite odd to me, and I didn't love it.
In hindsight, after reviewing the content more carefully today, I decided that it has the look and feel of our patriotic dream team (especially the campy humor part). Moreover, I signed up for the Health Defenders program and the info is spot and the same general approach I've been using. (I've studied nutrition for many, many years, but I'm NOT a doctor..unless you consider BG or JB doctors!.)
Finally, someone I know of and love is featured on one of the documents. When I first started to read the info, I immediately suspected he was associated with this mission BEFORE I saw his photo and then there it was!!!
Just my 2 cents.