Gene Decode
“The cabal have been living
high & mighty on technology
a million years ahead of us.”
One of the deep state & Secret Space Program’s
favorite tactics
Is to hide their technology in movies
We think we’re watching Sci Fi
in fact
this tech EXISTS
but is being withheld
from Humanity
With #NESARAGESARA all tech is released
that will INSTANTLY
heal Humanity
& Earth
Med Beds film clips:

Elysium 2013 with Matt Damon and Jodi Foster


I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
If the nasty cabal has been getting access to med beds, I have to wonder why all the andrenochrome? Just out of sheer evil, would be my guess.

That's a perfect guess 😼 The demons enjoyed r*ping, pillaging, slicing, dicing, torturing, depravity and destroying Humanity, Earth and her Kingdoms too much. Their end has (finally) come.
#SpaceDust forevermore. Never ever ever again! 💥💥💥
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Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
The Fifth Element is one of my top 5 favorite movies for many reasons of truths! LOVE is the key Element!

Me2! 😹💓

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
I think it was the 2nd Star Wars movie where one of the characters gets mauled by some sort of bear creature. There's a short scene where he's put into a standing glass 'shower stall' looking thing totally immersed in a liguid and a dial is turned up and his wound heals almost instantly.

Wish they could have used the Med Bed on Rush Limbaugh

Who says they didn't?!!? 🤔😉

this med bed thing. i have my doubts. i have no doubts about the tech bein' hidden though. when do we get our President back?

I haven't been read into the Plan 😹😹😹
But I think after the SCOTUS February 26th date? Then the announcement that the Military are running the country, the Election was stolen, there have already been 2.5 million arrests, some executions, the Quantum Financial System is up and running and everything is a movie?!?!?! 🔥🔥🔥

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.
Grateful for all of your effort in gathering the supportive movie clips!!!