Let The Arrests Begin . 😎🦅🇺🇸
222,286 Sealed Indictments . Up to 94 people can be tied to each indictment. Thank God a whole lot of people are about to go away forever!!!#CrimesAgainstHumanity#ElectionFraud#SatanicElite#thestormisuponus#TheGreatAwakening#MAGA
Will they ever be "UNsealed"? if so When ?

They are unsealed once the person is in custody 🙏🏼

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.
LOL same question....WHen ? lol

Heard about this site from Santasurfing. I am a Clothing Designer & Fit Officianado:. Going on deep dives, hitting head Rabbit Holes.
Hi Casey 🙏🏻for posting this. I have an aquaintance who was said to died of covid-19 about 3 weeks ago. My suspicion is he was arrested and his wife will never know. Thats ok but I want to know. How can I look him up on that website? Does one need to be a lawyer to get info from the site?