If you distrust the medical profession as much as I do and are having heart issues you may want to read this post. About two months ago I began having classic symptoms of heart failure. Tightness in chest that would migrate accross my shoulders to my back, shortness of breath, dizzy and light headed with nausea. I was sure a heart attack was imminent but I fired my doctor for refusing to prescribe Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin back in 2020 and I refuse to go to a hospital so I looked online and researched Cayenne Pepper.
I began using 1/4 tsp pepper in a glass of water 3 or 4 times a day and started taking one 81mg coated children's aspirin daily. The symptoms persisted for two weeks but became less frequent as days passed but by day 14 they were completely gone. I am now symptom free for four weeks and feel 100% like my old self. I still add cayenne to my water and even my ice tea with a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar.
Try it you won't be sorry.
Here is a vid on the benefits.

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In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

I always kept a tincture of cayenne pepper when we lived close to the in-laws. My FNL has heart issues. It helps for strokes as well.

Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

I have heard it can be used to stop a heart attack in its tracks but what you have done makes perfect sense for prevention. Good on you! We are our best doctors.

Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

Thank-You - God Bless You

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

Another amazing attribute of cayenne is how quickly is able to stop *severe* bleeding. Even arterial wounds can be stopped in an emergency by direct application of cayenne. Just pour it right on the open wound. It can be a literal life saver.


In response wht 2.0 to his Publication


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In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

A member here to fight for Trump! Banned from Twitter and YT twice each. 1A/2A PATRIOT Salty Army Savage

In response Sherlock Pepe to his Publication

Thank You! Fascinating read and I will start the protocol ASAP!

💖We are all God’s children.💖

In response Sherlock Pepe to his Publication

I think I need this protocol. Must try it.

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Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

I've been sprinkling about a quarter teaspoon of organic cayenne pepper powder in my coffee every morning. It's barely noticeable in the taste.

I have never dealt with heart issues, but Silver Cat mentioned it so I took her advice. I don't plan on discontinuing it.

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

check out magnesium as a lot of people do not have enough in their system. been taking it for hypertension for years. not a problem. hubby too for years. not a problem.. check out the peoples chemist.com. clean supplements. been using his supplements for over 10 years.. 78 years old and no health issues...but your symptoms also appear more stomach acidity related.. which cayenne pepper will fix.. just some thoughts for yu.. good luck. btw i am a nurse who couldnt work with ama lies.. a very rare one i guess. didnt get suckered into their rules.. so glad i got out..

A member here to fight for Trump! Banned from Twitter and YT twice each. 1A/2A PATRIOT Salty Army Savage

In response Ingrid Colby to her Publication

Thank you! I have magnesium but have neglected taking it lately so will deff start using it again!

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