Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
My daughter was home birthed in 1980 by a doctor and midwife. Was an extraordinary experience. We were fairly well into natural health (as the home birth might suggest) and didn't get roped into this 'well visit' business. The doctor never even mentioned vaccination to my memory. We did get her the MMR shot at about 1yr but as we began to get up to speed on vaccines by then she never got another and we navigated her through public school (her REAL downfall however come middle school) vaccine free and with no more doctor visits I can recall.
I had to look up this 'well visit' thing just now reading this and was absolutely astonished and horrified.
The nerve of the "Bright Futures"/AAP calling this site "healthy children.org".
Absolutely criminal now that we KNOW.
Nothing more than a hustle to get in young parent's doors to poison their children and damage them for LIFE.

Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
You did an amazing job especially for back then. I learned in 2002 about it and at that time I had a 9 year old that had his vxs up to kindergarten. As a baby he had the yellow boogers all the time and ear infection almost to the point of getting tubes put in. My 2 sons now have never had even one and child lead weaning off the breast and have only been sick 3 times in their life which they naturally got better within 3 days every time.
You are right on with the well-baby visits! They're more like train-parents visits as they're trying to train you to get used to the vx schedule just to make money. But they are taught they're doing 'good' and they never question it. It's a sick practice and now they're doing it in other countries too like Vietnam. These moms think they're doing a good thing for their babies and they're only poisoning them. Thanks for sharing! It's nice to find others.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
I can thank my wife for the home birth and support for the natural approach to things.
We had never discussed having kids the 7 years or so we were together before we got married. Hadn't occurred to me as the late comer baby of my family and I was such a spontaneous-in-the-moment sort; aka 'hippy musician' and all that went with that. But once married I wanted to have 'kids' - sure right?
Well she was the oldest of 10 and was not eager at all to have 'any'. She finally agreed to have 'one' .. IF we could home birth. Well we found 'one' doctor in St Louis who still did that and he even had his own midwife he worked with. And then somehow our insurance even paid for it (long interesting story) so we were set.
The funny thing was 'normally' a birth involved that unexpected 'rush to the hospital'. Well we were at a scheduled doctor's visit when labor started so we had to 'rush home' .. ;)
Was quite a day. Beautiful, HOT (no ac we were poor folk in a 2nd flr apt), 6 hr labor.

Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
That is a beautiful memory and experience! We are not far from each other. I am in Springfield Mo. I hired Lori Link here back in the day. She was my midwife for my 2 boys home birth. I'm sure you understand when I say it was the most amazing experience of my life and so empowering. As a dad you have that experience of having to run home instead of to the hospital and that is so funny! I love that!
My mom and my husbands mom never got to nurse and they always regretted that they listened to their drs back in their day. I hope all moms can do a mid wife even if it's in a mid wife run clinic it's better than at the hospital.
That's amazing your insurance paid for the home birth! That had to have been a wonderful plus especially if you were tight on money back then. I'm SO happy they did that for you. It should cover all home births.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and I'm glad you both did decide to have a child. It is one of the biggest decisions we make for sure. L

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
So you know! There was a particularly odd and perhaps even miraculous event that occurred the moment of her birth. Our south city 4plex apt was only maybe 5' from the one next to it w/ just a narrow walkway between. The window was open due to the heat and all. Was 1980 and there was a weeks long deadly heatwave in the midwest. I think 400 people died in Chicago that summer.
The *moment* her head breached it was as if the whole universe just stopped. Like it was holding it's breath. Was just an amazing long seeming pause literally in time and space and completely quiet. Then 3 very distinct, deliberate *hand claps* (?!!) sounded outside in the walk way directly below the window. None of our friends knew she'd gone into labor we hadn't had time to call and all that so it couldn't have been anyone we knew and just an old lady downstairs who didn't know either.
As soon as that happened everything picked back up and she was fully delivered.
Was *very* weird .. but *very* real.

Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
I believe! That sounds like a God Blessing for sure. What a beautiful memory and story to always share. Did you end up having any more children?
No, the wife was definite about that. And likely the best thing all told but daughter resented us for it. Didn't like being only.
She went on to have two of her own though and is a GREAT mom ... gave us two GREAT grandkids boy and a girl.
... all's well that ends well .. so far so good

Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
That's a beautiful memory and experience and to end up with 2 grand babies as well one of each too. Thank you for sharing that with me it was beautiful!

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
You're very welcome. Thanks for listening.