Married to a π,mom of 3 and a grandma x 2 ! πΊπΈπΊπΈ
In my 50's and want to start a career. I don't even know where to begin. I would have to make enough to support myself and my son. I love homeopathic medicine and I enjoy math. I can't spend years in school because I would need an income stat. Any career ideas in this crazy world that we live in?
I believe the wave of the future is in natural medicine. However, you would have to get some education to pursue that career. Perhaps look for a job working for a homeopathic doctor, while taking some classes towards a degree? Also, look into medbeds and learning about this new healing method. Perhaps there are training classes for these as a way to get started in this new modality. Blessings to you for your future. π