Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
Do we know what kind of communication the sub was outfitted for? They were on that 'corner cutting' 'rule breaking' budget don't ya know. But it does take special ELF tech to pass through water as opposed to 'space'
WhatEVER 'space' is! and I'm not sayin' ... just sayin' .. ;)
As for that 'moon' deal .... mmm ... weeeeell..... er .... ahhh

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
Not too awful long ago I couldn't buy into the fake landing narrative but I have to say the evidence is reaching the point of 'certainty' that it didn't.
amazing really .. and sad we got so played
Although I do still have to wonder if all that money went into a secret Tesla based space program that actually did put us there in a big way on the backside ... Mars too
Questions for another time and place it seems as events earthbound wind down to massive failure
Probably when those books are opened in the life to come.

When the Titan is submerged, communications with the support ship on the surface are conducted over an acoustic link. Crewed submersibles sometimes have two separate systems with independent power supplies: one an acoustic beacon that regularly pings the ship to reveal its location, and another that can carry short text-like messages. This ensures that if the main power supply fails, the beacon keeps working, allowing the surface ship to track the vessel. According to some reports, the Titan did not have an acoustic beacon and had become lost before.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
Yea that Titan project sure seemed to be an all around guaranteed-to-fail flake fest. David Knight went into some detail covering it the other day on his podcast. Very strange actually.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
On top of the fact that there's no actual "evidence" that this submersible voyage even existed.