Of people on here still ask for prayers for people that are dying from cancer and all other ailments when the cure is here. Even though many of us already know the cure several don't please keep reposting the cures to help those that are new or just not aware, thank you.
Only followers of this user (@Sand777) can see their posts

Thank you for that addition to health cures. We have been using baking soda and water for a long time, one level teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a tall glass of cold water and we add a little bit of agave juice to it to sweeten to taste. If you have a sore stomach or bad indigestion just a couple sips and the pain is gone instantly. The majority people have an acidic pH level in their system which allows cancer to grow, it's very important to keep your body alkaline in this does the trick. The kids like it so much that they pretend to have a stomach ache too so they can have some baking soda water. 😂
Only followers of this user (@Sand777) can see their posts

Thank you and same to you.
I love lemon water and drink it all the time. I learned about drinking lemon water to stop stomach aches a long time ago way before I knew about baking soda water.
Lemon water is a very mild acid compared to stomach acid and it tricks the stomach into thinking there's already an acid in there so your stomach stops secreting acids which allows your stomach to heal, become less acidic and more alkaline. Mylanta and Tums coat the stomach temporarily but then your stomach has to pump out twice as much acids to digest it creating ulcers or stomach ailments to get worse so you end up taking more of that stuff until eventually you're on pharmaceutical grade medications.
I have done this treatment for others years and years ago and they'd always think that the lemon water would actually hurt their stomach worse when they've had stomach aches but usually within about 30 seconds of drinking it their stomach aches were gone.
Only followers of this user (@Sand777) can see their posts

You're welcome. Back in 1995 my Dad got Cancer so I freaked out, I had already lost my Mom to leukemia in 1984. I went to a seminar by Burton Goldberg and bought 2 books from him, 1 for me and 1 for my Dad. I asked Mr. Goldberg what to cure my Dad and he said to have him eat a ton of broccoli so I had my dad do that and his cancer completely went away. Ever since then I've been studying alternative cures. Years later my Dad had a bad fall and broke his neck, he was paralyzed from the neck down and lived another 3 years to the age of 94. I wish I knew as much as I do now, maybe I could have saved my Mom too. My wife was close to death before I met her and she was donating her stuff away. I got her to start doing alternative treatments and she is alive and well. Doctors said she would never be able to have children, we have 3 now.
Mainstream medicine kills
Alternative medicine heals 😎👍

Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
My husband would be alive today if we had looked for alternatives-they diagnose you - rush you to an oncologist- which sets-up your chemo treatment - makes it sound urgent - dead within a year for most.

Chemo kills and they know that that's how they're able to predict how long you have left to live six months to a year once you start chemotherapy.
Had a doctor at a chemo therapy facility state that it was sad that these people were going through this because they knew they were all going to die except it just gave them hope. Alternate treatments definitely cure. The more you know about them the less you will ever see a doctor again in your life. Of course we still need doctors for broken bones and surgeries but illnesses and cancers should be treated naturally.

Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
My sister is doing her 2nd treatment of breast cancer & she won't listen...My daughter is doing her 1st & won't listen...NO doctor is going to tell me I have cancer, they want to.

There are so many testimonies of people out there doing alternative treatments and the cancer stops right away and completely disappears. The best you can do is look up different links to testimonies for these different cures and send her the links to watch.
Look up doctors without borders and they will give you testimony about doing these other treatments that regular doctor's won't talk about as they are afraid if they do they will lose their license.
Thank You-I will