🇺🇸💯💟 our President Trump❣️

Of people on here still ask for prayers for people that are dying from cancer and all other ailments when the cure is here. Even though many of us already know the cure several don't please keep reposting the cures to help those that are new or just not aware, thank you.

In response Gayle Storm to her Publication

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In response Sandrine --- to her Publication

Thank you for that addition to health cures. We have been using baking soda and water for a long time, one level teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a tall glass of cold water and we add a little bit of agave juice to it to sweeten to taste. If you have a sore stomach or bad indigestion just a couple sips and the pain is gone instantly. The majority people have an acidic pH level in their system which allows cancer to grow, it's very important to keep your body alkaline in this does the trick. The kids like it so much that they pretend to have a stomach ache too so they can have some baking soda water. 😂

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Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time

In response James Dean to his Publication


In response Here KittyKitty to her Publication

Thank you for the additional health cures.
Before I started using all these other things I was using pure gum spirits/turpentine. We get these little bugs around here called no-see-ums.
Nothing stops the itch better than rubbing some pure gum spirits on them with a paper towel. Completely stops the itch and works amazing.

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❤️🇺🇸🙏God, family, Trump,America First. Grateful for all the brave who serve. 😘 Mom to 3, Grandma, musician. 🙏🇺🇸❤️

In response James Dean to his Publication

FJB .......Trump is my President

In response James Dean to his Publication

Wonder how much of the Fenbendazole you take and how often . I know a few people that have cancer but not sure if they would try it .

In response Cindy _MAGA to her Publication

The last picture shows the brand I use I actually like the flavor of that one. The amount you take is listed on the side which has increments per your weight. I just squeeze it out onto my finger and take it by mouth. Is somebody doesn't like the flavor you can wash it down with orange juice or other drink as preferred but not alcohol. The only time I use it is when I start feeling a little sick and will take it for 3 to 4 days in a row just to make sure it's completely wiped out. It's a good idea to reinduce yourself to probiotics after treatment to keep your gut health on track.

In response Cindy _MAGA to her Publication

Joe Tippens protocol: 222mg fenbendazole per day. This is considered the standard. There is some information out there that criticized the dosage. 222mg of fenbendazole (typical packet of panacur) per day might be on the low side to attack cancer. Nevertheless, this is the dosage Joe Tippens used to defeat his small cell lung cancer with 3 months to live.
Another dosage formula to consider is the 23mg per lb of body weight. So far at least from my research, there is no evidence of any overdosing complications. Which means overdosing is difficult to accomplish. The worst side effect seems to be the person might feel ill in the beginning of the protocol due to the herxing reaction due to immune system kicking into high gear. Once the body rids of this die off, symptoms will subside.
The herxing symptoms vs chemo therapy side effects? That's a no brainer.

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1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

In response James Dean to his Publication

Many types of cures and possibilities to help... https://gab.com/KrisWilliams/posts/107389123967894977

God, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot, digital warrior, American State National, Common Law lady.

In response James Dean to his Publication
In response Free Thinker to her Publication

I watched the whole video on that, excellent book and video 😎👍

Now you know why they make everything seedless, vegetables and fruits. It's not for our benefit it's taking away an essential vitamin we need to stop cancer, and without it cancer spreads.

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God, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot, digital warrior, American State National, Common Law lady.

In response James Dean to his Publication

God, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot, digital warrior, American State National, Common Law lady.

In response James Dean to his Publication

🇺🇸💯💟 our President Trump❣️

In response James Dean to his Publication

Pro bono for the children. Empath super power. Following our missing children since 2015. Due Process Auditor.Fed tort case # 7:22-CV-178-FL

In response Gayle Storm to her Publication
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