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I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
God gave us everything we needed to live on earth
Satan took it away!
Time to stand behind God and take back our God given Rights!

I agree,don't worry,be happy.

Patriot of Earth. We ARE Freedom. WWG1WGA
For those of you, who showed an interest to know who the man is in the video, found him on TikTok , his name is Mark Dawes.
Here’s the link -

Jesus Christ is the Way Truth Life #FamilyIsEverything #MAGA #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE
Here is where you can purchase a prophylaxis or treatment from the jab or symptoms from shedders🙏🏻✨❤️

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things honest, whatsoever things just, whatsoever things pure, whatsoever things lovely, whatsoever things of good report; if any virtue, and if any praise, think on these things" Phil4:8

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️
My typa medical advice=191
End Times Warrior=191
Anons And Autists=191
Trust The Plan. Q=191
On The Winning Team=191
The Beginning Of The End=191
The Week To Remember=191
What A Time To Be Alive=191
One Trump Card Left=191
As We Go Into Friday=191
The Storm Tweet=191
The Perfect Storm=191
No Need To Worry=191
Cleaning Of The Swamp=191
Look At The Water. Q=191
Bigger Than Watergate=191
Creepy Uncle Joe Biden=191
Pack Your Bags Now=191
Your Time Is Up=191
Turn The Script=191
Pop Goes The Weasel=191
A Twinkling Of An Eye=191
The Day Of At-one-ment=191
The Veil Has Been Lifted=191
Collective Awakening=191
Reverse The Curse=191
Evil Is Destroyed=191
Parting Of The Red Sea=191
The Children Of Israel=191
Let Them Go Free Now=191
United States Free=191
Mission Completed=191
New Heaven New Earth=191
Return Of The King=191
Huge Silver Lining=191
Transfer Of Wealth=191
Activate Nesara Now=191
Prayers Answered=191
Gratitude Flowing=191
Love Conquers All=191

Graphic Artist & Illustrator - Authorized Minister - US Navy Wife - Former Instructor - US NAVY TAP - CEO - Proud Patriot - #Arkansas

Mother of many, Richest woman in the world, lovey.

We are the "MED BED". Love this!! TY DOQ

Yeah lets see that work on strep throat... Lost an arm? you're just not thinking positive enough to grow one back. IT'S YOUR FAULT, where have I herd that before? Known some warriors that died of cancer. The assholes at V.A. put me on damn near every psych med in existence, sos i can agree to a point but by no means is this some kind of profound life changing knowledge.
Again, the comments section that of cultists. Prolly mostly women as this has an emotional undertone to it

🌟Spirit Within Guides, Divine, Eternal Being having a human experience ♥️ Patriot God bless 🇺🇸 Jesus Christ 💞 Unconditional Love🐾 🐾
We humans are not physical entities but energy waves of interacting frequencies that can affect the condition of our bodies. Our waves get entangled and resonate with those of the physical and digital environment and the people in it. One could say that it creates a 'water' cocktail of environmental frequencies mixed with vibrating human thoughts and emotions.
Not only according to Einstein also to Nikola Tesla, EVERYTHING is energy and frequency. It should therefore be possible to introduce a vibration that acts like a tuning fork, so that all frequencies are resonating and amplify each other they should therefore be treated in a holistic way.
The invisible is shaping the visible. Quantum physics defines the energy field as invisible moving forces that influence the physical world.
All invisible fields are measured by their effects. So thoughts and feelings have the power to manifest into reality. THINK for yourself, empower your own healing.

100% Texan Patriot. Lifelong seeker of truth. Love of God, family and the goodness of humanity, let it shine! 🌞
Totally agree Doq! We have always had the ability to heal, Synthetic meds dumb us down, turn off our natural ability and muck up the whole system. Maybe that’s the purpose. 🤔. I’m not saying all meds are bad and I’m certainly not saying all med professionals are bad but I’ve seriously had a life and mind changing event since the plandemic. They didn’t get it right and the ones that did were systematically taken down.

Totally Agree! 🥰🙏🏼👍🏻

Woman who loves God, my family, & my country, as well as Freedom lovers worldwide. Not here for followers. #FamilyIsEverything #GodWins
Mine too,@doqholliday. Wife of a friend just last night, who's not been 'acting right' several days and has suffered a TBI in the recent past, taken to hospital in the middle of the night in UK for 'observation' after attempting to take her own life.
Using benzodiazepams with alcohol to self-medicate. Bad answer.
This man has 'the' answers she needs.
Everyone, please include 'Donna' in anon prayers that she has a 'breakthrough' over this incident, not a breakdown.

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.


Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Our God given immune system is quite amazing. Our unhealthy lifestyles of lack of sunshine, fresh air, exercise and poor dietary habits that make our bodies acidic interfers with this amazing system in our bodies. Add stress and fear and the immune system is further compromised. A perfect example of how to WEAKEN the immune response can be seen in the covid recommendations. The CDC recommendations of masking, distancing, isolation,and oversanitizing was one way. The use of fear mongering by MSM was an additional blow to the immune system.

Patriot of Earth. We ARE Freedom. WWG1WGA
Great video! Would be nice to have his name or where you found it.

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
I'll second that. ❤

Finally glad to know I haven't been crazy all these decades.....found my people!
Excellent. Who is this? I want to study more on this and share his information.

Faith in Christ! Daughter, Wife, Mother, Grandmother. “Faith Hope Love” God Almighty Wins
We are healed.
Heal thyself.

Professional Free Spirit ✨ On a Mission for Mother Hearth💚 #KennedyVision Ambassador 🕊️ #FamilyIsEverything💖
Perfect machine our body
Such a great gift from God 💙

Jesus Christ is the Way Truth Life #FamilyIsEverything #MAGA #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE

Dark To Light 🌍Make Earth Great Again🌎 WWG1WGA 💫 Faith. Hope. And Love✨The best is yet to come 🙏
Mine, too👍🏻👏🏻❣️

This needs to be shared far and wide. The worst thing the devil tried to do is to deny people of their God given gifts.

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸

Question everything! Expand love and remember to smile and laugh! In twitland @Iamhone15248095 (previously
Yes! Our thoughts have power to heal and to do so much more...
Mind over matter...there have been studies that show meditation on peace does just that. Where your focus goes energy flows!
Whether you think you can or can't you're right, so just remember shift happens...
Free your mind and the rest will follow...Gratitude is key!
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