Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
Im pretty sure Durahm isnt a real person. There are no pictures of him on the internet- except for his official portrait, and two others. One of him being sworn in, and one of him on the steps of a courthouse, talking to press. Every other picture is a manipulated version of one of these photos. I dont care how careful you are, in this day and age, you can usually find a pic of someone with their spouse, or at their kid's graduation. The Durahm thing seems hinky to me. I dug for quite a bit, and he seems like a fake made up by a 3 letter agency.
So you think there is NO Durahm seriously? WOW! That's incredible if true???

I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
I think there is a "Durahm" I just think he is a persona, maybe a placeholder of some kind? I feel like he is a boogie man that the white hats trot out to terrify the baddies, and it works, because they do stupid things every time he is brought up. I think there are a lot of "people" in this thing that arent what they seem.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.
I think you are spot on. All I have ever seen is a photo or two of him never a video.

Banned from Twitter on the same day as President Donald J. Trump...A Conspiracy Enthusiast...WWG1WGA Q 17 Trump 19 God bless America! NCSWIC
Agreed! And, I think people like Barr have done A LOT more than people give them credit for...We'll see?