Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.

The subject of the USA not being so great has been on my mind, and I haven't found the words to express it. Where we, as a nation have come from and slowly eroded over time to where we are now.

And then I found this. This is where we are.👇

I get frustrated because basically all we do is sit behind our keyboards and tweet to the choir. I don't understand why zero big name accounts have ever tried to organize a rally, protest or picket the MSM, distribute flyers, push bumper stickers, put up yard signs, tell us all to wear white hats on Saturday....or do one dang thing as an organized group to wake up the sheeple. As a no name tiny account I have not been able to get anyone to show interest in an organized effort. I have tried on other forums. Where are the patriotic big boys? Why do citizens all over the world protest en masse ...and we Americans just sit? The rest of the world is counting on US. If we fall, the world falls.

"Grandpa, what did you do during the final war?"

"Oh sonny boy, I tweeted day and night and waited for somebody to save us."
Seriously, WTF?

In response The Real Me to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @ur1spark in this post can reply

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening

In response Momma Bear to her Publication


Why I never trusted the "plan" or the "big" accounts
Thank you for pointing this out - it should be glaringly obvious but it doesn't seem to be for many

I try to inform people irl & provide an example- never wore a mask, never got the vax & never got covid, used ivermectin to combat a long running health issue & even the other day got some people discussing chemtrails!

But a lot of people are still brainwashed by msm & won't listen - how many accounts have I read on just this platform about folks trying to tell the truth or live the truth & have lost a lot, with no reassurances from the "patriots" let alone an end to it

When the msm is taken down, I might give the benefit of a doubt

EM can release files on Twitter until the cows come home but most people aren't seeing that information, & it's constantly ignored or swatted down by the msm

I know we have to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps to some extent but we need some help y'all

In response Starry Peacock to her Publication

Plus the information that is coming out on twitter isn't exactly new. It's just more detailed. We all are quite familiar with the lies, corruption and evil associated with Fauci, Bidens, the laptop, covid, human trafficking, pizzagate... and on and on. Elon is just allowing the details to come out. Not saying that's a bad thing...but basically, it's just the same information packed with more detail. The apathetic and uninterested will pretty much remain apathetic and uninterested, unless their beloved MSM does an about face...OR unless WE THE PEOPLE, organize, formulate a plan and follow through. Are these big name accounts, who have done NOTHING to organize the troops controlled opposition? I am beginning to wonder.
It seems almost too late now... and anyway it's a just a lot easier to tweet all day long.🤦‍♀️

Sorry to the rest of the world.

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We are ONE. Family is everything. Mom of 3 amazing girls, wife of 1 handsome and loving husband

In response Momma Bear to her Publication

I've wondered the same, and it gives rise to the questioning of whether we are being mkultra'd on our side as well. When I have asked this on SM, there is never an answer. Do people not want to imagine that we are not the special ones, that we are as capable of falling for mass brainwashing in another way. Don't want to go into detail, as I will be called a shill.

I do understand people's "fear" of being arrested at a rally or being accosted by neighbors, but we are told repeatedly not to fear. And the libs never fear, they just go for it. If I look at it as an observer, it seems that we are all in a some kind of altered state, unable to move or take a logical step. Why don't we organize on our own? Well, we've been harassed for a few years now by family and friends, and more hurt is not comfortable.

Much love to you today❤️🙏

In response Momma Bear to her Publication

we are to trust the plan, but patience is running thin.

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......

In response Momma Bear to her Publication

But I feel our time will come.
We will participate in the Victory.

In response Back to the Future to his Publication

I pray.

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Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.

In response Momma Bear to her Publication

Exactly. Watching other countries standing up for themselves en masse while we sit on our hands gets me the most. We were supposedly the freest country in the world, so you would think we would act like we had more to lose.

Our country was once revered. When the entire world finds out just how involved our leaders were in the deep state coupled with our lack of action to fight against it, I believe future generations will look at America with shame.

Or perhaps it will just level the playing field and no one country will be seen as better than another. That could be a good thing. Who knows how this will play out.