How many of us have had this type of conversation?🙋♂️

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
Robert Kennedy JR openly admitted to the public that his father was going to remove the clandestine services from the CIA one week before he was killed.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
Initiation of the EBS via Starlink after takedown or overtake of the MSM.

Yes! My 81 yr old mom says the Exact same thing. “There is no way 800,000 children go missing each year. It would be on the news.”
“Of course that is Joe Biden. Why would they kill and replace him? That doesn’t make sense.”

My husband says this too. If this was true it would be on the news, sometimes Fox talks about things I have told him. I'm like it's on the news now do you believe me? He just gets quiet and doesn't say anything. I'm the crazy one still.

🇮🇹/🇬🇧/🇺🇸 ✝️ WWG1WGA 🌏Kindness is Free 💖✨Family is Everything✨💖
frustrating, but logical in a way ... certainly how many ppl think who've blindly trusted the msm for years.
MSM must fall so people can wake up!

For the life of me I don’t understand why they didn’t take out MSM first. We would of been done a year ago instead of all these people suffering.

Exactly. My husband is like that too. If the national TV stations don't report it then it's just a conspiracy theory...
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Ťʀᴜᴛʜᴇʀ & ŦʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍŦɪɢʜᴛᴇʀ | We are in a fight to the death with Illuminati Freemasons. 1776 All Over! | 𝕍𝕀𝕊𝕀𝕋 ⇶ 🍀 #QFlagPin 🍀
I actually made a name for that...
Consensus Programming!

MAGA - Harm NONE - Treat others the way you want to be treated - SAVE THE CHILDREN - We are ALL ONE - WWG1WGA/NCSWIC/TBIYTC
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I am an Ultra-Maga Air Force Veteran , 100% Trump Supporter. Been following Q from day one, never gave up, and never will! MARRIED!
Not to mention its just how dumbed down we have become to truth, learning Truth is in the lonely place where logic and reason fear to tread!
If truth were easy to grasp like candy no one would ever believe it we have it backwards...... because real honest TRUTH, biblical truth never moves to our whims it flows only to those willing to dig it from the rock God put it in!

we discussed it regularly in my house growing up. / you should probly cut her a wee bit of slack since CIA was basically doing mossad's bidding...

If all we do is preach to each other, meaning we preach what we know to our closed in 'choir' then of course, there is no way for normies who only listen to MSM - to hear or see the truth.
Consider printing information flyers, paste them all over, get active, hand out hard copies - there's so much truth that can be written and shared, but it is not going to get to normies if our messages are only posted on platforms like telegram, Truth and AU.
Normies are told to stay away from us and they do!
If you cannot print out a bunch of flyers, do one at a time. Carry one hand-out in your pocket or purse. Next time an opportunity comes up, give your informational paper to someone who asks,
"Do you follow qanon? (for example)
I love digging and sharing info and am happy I'm here, but I feel that maybe more could be done.

I believe we can't help but be red pilling in our offline lives and certainly, we do on other platforms. Most all have multiple suspensions, and account terminations from it. What are you talking about?
What you call "preaching" to each other here, I see us helping each other to stay strong, uplifted, and encouraged to keep focussed on the higher view.
The world out there and the MSM feed zombies is like a black hole.
We recenter here.
I appreciate anything that keeps us uplifted and strong in our resolve to see the truth through to at least our ends and hopefully, to grand new beginnings.
The Holidays reminded us of how distant we have become from friends and family because we are out there spreading truth at all costs.
Who is this post for? How do you know what people do offline? I hope your intent wasn't to discourage people from preaching the truth in here. This has become an information exchange hub and sanctuary for many, the first real one they have ever kn

That mentality is mind blowing

Dman72 from twatter. Here because of VK and Koba
My Mum legit said (when I asked her the same thing)..
‘It musnt’ be true then if i haven’t seen it on TV’…
Can’t wait for the fall of MSM.

Ordinary American who loves her country, tears up during the National Anthem and recognizes what President Trump is doing for the world.
I havent watched a minute of ANY MSM news since 11/04/20. Not even local news or weather. I happily live in my own little conspiracy world without a clue of what is happening on a daily basis except what I glean from here, and my trusted TG channels. I have divorced myself from everything and mostly everyone else. My world has gotten very very small. Just wait til they all figure out I’m NOT the crazy one.

Texas patriot; love my state, country and 4 guys(Hubs, son and 2 furry dudes). God has blessed me.
Same. 👏👏 The important stuff finds it's way to us somehow.

"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.
I often wonder what JR thinks when g
he reads a thread such as this?

"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.

I ask my mother who is eighty she told me it’s possible with everything that has transpired over last couple of years she has seen and heard. Thank goodness she has stop watching the news she told me it’s to depressing to watch and is happier without it. The news media is the main reason that keeps people in a fog.
Only followers of this user (@Cordlesssss) can see their posts

I am here to help in any way I can. We are all one in this. #Familyiseverything We won!
My brother basically called me a liar and a conspiracy kook

Sorry to inform you, but your brother is a moron..

I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.
sorry.. small and unaware soul. fool he will feel later who people consider him weak.

The ones who are still asleep must be from a different timeline. I am the only one who noticed the Madella Effect in my family(parents and 2 siblings) and the only one awake, they are still very much asleep.

I think a lot of folks think that whatever is said on the news and in newspapers HAS TO BE TRUE or they wouldn't state it. How wrong this assumption is and has been for a very long time. Shame on the news media, they are NOT journalists, they are prostitutes.

Looking forward to The Best is yet to come. Holding the line
They are CIA

The years following JFK's assignation, I heard non-stop it was the CIA that did the job!!

Raising parents use to be so much easier

100% Texan Patriot. Lifelong seeker of truth. Love of God, family and the goodness of humanity, let it shine! 🌞
Exactly! My father-in-law said the same.

Canadian. I consider President Trump our world President. An artist, have many interests and who believes we are all precious in God's eyes.
Yep. Many do not consider Fox a true news source. Has to be channelsvthat are more popular.
What's the delay?