@mostcommonsenseangelJESUS IS REAL! AND MY SAVIOUR! Trump supporter 100% - (You'll find out!) A loving BOOMER Grandmother & A Texas farme...

Katherine Bres
@KatchinBlessings to all for the Love & Prayers! Chosen the Alternative route to treating this Cancer. God is large and in C...

Real SGANON 202..
@realqanon2024IF YOU A REAL PATRIOT JOIN HERE Request to join ⬇️ https://t.me/+snoICn-_D1M1Mzc0

Nina Nektaria
@NektariaOld school Finnish patriot, succesfully avoided social media so far, hence no hashtags, love animals, pure-blood, αγαπάω...

Tuefel Hunden
@freefallinragincagin3/5 USMC Wpns Co Dragon Ptn. 3/9 USMC Wpns Ptn, Desert Storm '90-'94, WAR ROOM POSSIE ! GAB, Gettr, X , Truth, Frank soc...

CM_ Patriot
@IMPatriotRUProtect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People

Green-eyed Katt
@greeneyedkattKind heart. ♥️ Fierce mind. 🌺 Brave spirit. 🌺🌺 Galatians 2:20. ✝️ Married to @55QPatriot. ♥️ Family. ♥️ Patriot. 🇺🇸 Trum...

Barry B***
@55QPatriotGod. Married to @greeneyedkatt. Family. Patriot. 1A/2A. Bill of Rights. 1776. 1871. 1965 F-100.

guyo thorson
@guyosuspended off twatter for posting trump stuff, army vet, worked 30 yrs with nothing to show for it, started a small lase...

Nina Patriot
@NinaPatriotGod, Family, Country, pure blood https://gab.com/PatriotNina https://truthsocial.com/@patriotNina

Dennis Young
@Scorpiat* Married Patriot * NRA Instructor * NRA Range Safety Officer * LE security instructor * Conservative * Christian * I ba...
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