If all we do is preach to each other, meaning we preach what we know to our closed in 'choir' then of course, there is no way for normies who only listen to MSM - to hear or see the truth.
Consider printing information flyers, paste them all over, get active, hand out hard copies - there's so much truth that can be written and shared, but it is not going to get to normies if our messages are only posted on platforms like telegram, Truth and AU.
Normies are told to stay away from us and they do!
If you cannot print out a bunch of flyers, do one at a time. Carry one hand-out in your pocket or purse. Next time an opportunity comes up, give your informational paper to someone who asks,
"Do you follow qanon? (for example)
I love digging and sharing info and am happy I'm here, but I feel that maybe more could be done.

I believe we can't help but be red pilling in our offline lives and certainly, we do on other platforms. Most all have multiple suspensions, and account terminations from it. What are you talking about?
What you call "preaching" to each other here, I see us helping each other to stay strong, uplifted, and encouraged to keep focussed on the higher view.
The world out there and the MSM feed zombies is like a black hole.
We recenter here.
I appreciate anything that keeps us uplifted and strong in our resolve to see the truth through to at least our ends and hopefully, to grand new beginnings.
The Holidays reminded us of how distant we have become from friends and family because we are out there spreading truth at all costs.
Who is this post for? How do you know what people do offline? I hope your intent wasn't to discourage people from preaching the truth in here. This has become an information exchange hub and sanctuary for many, the first real one they have ever kn

I love AU -this was only a suggestion about reaching sleepers.
If my words help, ok, if not, that’s ok, too.
So how to reach those who don’t see us online? Can something be done offline?
For 20 years I worked on a cause, that, if it was known at all, it was misrepresented, which caused harm.
We raised awareness: of the truth: made phone calls, posted flyers, held events. We advertised & also spent every weekend going from town to town to post flyers. People gladly put our flyers in their store windows. Then, during the week, we held public meetings where we provided brochures & papers that we wrote & we offered these educational materials along with support & encouragement. People benefited.
We traveled across states to attend lectures & conferences & to hold our own events. Just like anons, we dug for info & hailed every new report. We formed lifelong bonds & we used the internet but we also pounded the pavement because, at the time, it was necessary.