There's only so many times anons and patriots will take having their hopes raised and dashed... the disinfo limit is very close.

Patriot, Wife, Mother, Marine Mom, JAG M-I-L, Love our Military and DJT! #Godwins #wwg1wga
We were warned his announcement would be about his run for the presidency again. The problem was that made no sense, believing what we believe to be true.
So when the buildup of expectations started floating all over social media, we latched on.
And, darn it, once again we decoded our Little Orphan Annie decoder ring to say, “Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.”
The info (dis? mis?) being put out there is really not for us, is it? Quickly becoming time to turn it off. When the change finally comes, we’ll know.

I think we're there and in many cases , past "there".

I have read and heard the purpose of this was to "Wake up the Normie's". By feeding us disinformation, we spread it, and now we are liar's to the normie's. It isn't working. Normie's are more asleep than ever.

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
Well, its rather difficult, to be both a foot soldier going where directed, then, simultaneously being expected to have the intellect to uncover evils plan, and hold it up to the world, then not question the current situation:
If Trump won 2020, because 'we have it all' (twice now), and was still President, how can he run for a 3rd term, is that not illegal (yes, I know, the left don't care about legalities - so are we to adipt their outlook), without addressing the two steals?
I don't do doublethink well, my head and heart hurt
Trump said we had not suffered enough, I am of the opine, that those not awake yet, narcissists - who can never be wrong - not only won't, but will be revved into action against us.
The Fascust rhetoric I heard from the J6 committee press conference yesterday, left me with a great deal of foreboding.
The left want blood on the streets, and we are being put through this to try to prevent that. At some point, something has to give.

Oh my stars and garters, I woke up and tuned in to lots of despair and sorrow. What on earth happened!?

So is this a response to President Trump's big announcement to "run" in the 2024 election?
First of all, President Trump is a hero for this country. He has done a lot for us and given up a lot for us. But he is NOT our savior. I think we get confused sometime and lose sight of who our true focus should be.
Secondly, President Trump might be the figure-head or "poster boy" of our country's movement but he is NOT the only great person behind it.....pushing it. He is one of many and he plays his role just like the rest.
All of this doesn't mean that the movement is lost or that it has even stumbled. It only means that this movement unfolds according to God's plan alone and we have to have faith in that.

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
I respectfully disagree at this point. I have waivered many times, I shamefully admit, but somewhere, at some point, I crossed into a gritty resolve to fight harder! I think many are with me. We are Americans and our heritage, although young, is strong. We will not allow the deep state to deflate us nor will we allow them to defeat us! We get back up on that horse that just drilled us into the hard ground! God is in control and we will win! Never give in and never give up! 🕊🇺🇸❤️

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
Or physical & mental disintegration.

Nuked from twitter for supporting Donald Trump. English Patriot 🇬🇧🇺🇸 MAGA, WWG1WGA, Say NO To Evil Globalists, Trump WON!
For my own sanity ive just got to get on with my life and enjoy every day as it comes, Im making preparations for the worst case scenario, Im not unhappy, but I refuse to be built up and let down continuously, I will fight to end for survival and hope that things turn out for the best, but currently Im not sure anything good will happen anytime soon.

Nuked from twitter for supporting Donald Trump. English Patriot 🇬🇧🇺🇸 MAGA, WWG1WGA, Say NO To Evil Globalists, Trump WON!
For my own sanity ive just got to get on with my life and enjoy every day as it comes, Im making preparations for the worst case scenario, Im not unhappy, but I refuse to be built up and let down continuously, I will fight to end for survival and hope that things turn out for the best, but currently Im not sure anything good will happen anytime soon.

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
We look up to others
We believe others
We "always" are looking for hope
Disappointments are endless
Get back up, and keep on moving forward is all I know to say.
This isn't the first time nor the last.
Prayers are armored and never lose faith in God or yourself!
Trump said, As Commander in Chief...
That meant a lot.
We aren't forgotten.
Get back to work,and pay those taxes!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

my hopes are beyond high as i chose to won. myself. it does not matter what trump or government or military does.
they are clearly not the answer
as long as these false idols keep posing political solutions, there are traps for all the good patriots to fall into.
there are no political solutions.
the only solution is the absolution of politics in full.


How many times have we been here? Now it's all 2023. Financially people are barely holding on....not sure what 2023 is all about, might be dead by then.

Pissed off Patriot through the first plunge. Madhatter made it back. I love United We Stand. Very intuitive and empathic. #WWG1WGA
I'm in till humanity wins. We don't have an option.

Nuked from twitter for supporting Donald Trump. English Patriot 🇬🇧🇺🇸 MAGA, WWG1WGA, Say NO To Evil Globalists, Trump WON!
That is correct!