There's only so many times anons and patriots will take having their hopes raised and dashed... the disinfo limit is very close.
Oh my stars and garters, I woke up and tuned in to lots of despair and sorrow. What on earth happened!?
So is this a response to President Trump's big announcement to "run" in the 2024 election?
First of all, President Trump is a hero for this country. He has done a lot for us and given up a lot for us. But he is NOT our savior. I think we get confused sometime and lose sight of who our true focus should be.
Secondly, President Trump might be the figure-head or "poster boy" of our country's movement but he is NOT the only great person behind it.....pushing it. He is one of many and he plays his role just like the rest.
All of this doesn't mean that the movement is lost or that it has even stumbled. It only means that this movement unfolds according to God's plan alone and we have to have faith in that.