There's only so many times anons and patriots will take having their hopes raised and dashed... the disinfo limit is very close.
Well, its rather difficult, to be both a foot soldier going where directed, then, simultaneously being expected to have the intellect to uncover evils plan, and hold it up to the world, then not question the current situation:
If Trump won 2020, because 'we have it all' (twice now), and was still President, how can he run for a 3rd term, is that not illegal (yes, I know, the left don't care about legalities - so are we to adipt their outlook), without addressing the two steals?
I don't do doublethink well, my head and heart hurt
Trump said we had not suffered enough, I am of the opine, that those not awake yet, narcissists - who can never be wrong - not only won't, but will be revved into action against us.
The Fascust rhetoric I heard from the J6 committee press conference yesterday, left me with a great deal of foreboding.
The left want blood on the streets, and we are being put through this to try to prevent that. At some point, something has to give.