I’m here for our President and Humanity, I could write a book. I come from military family background! I am a mom this is personal :)WWG1WGA

I’m here for our President and Humanity, I could write a book. I come from military family background! I am a mom this is personal :)WWG1WGA

I’m here for our President and Humanity, I could write a book. I come from military family background! I am a mom this is personal :)WWG1WGA

I’m here for our President and Humanity, I could write a book. I come from military family background! I am a mom this is personal :)WWG1WGA

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.

Optimist, Mommy, Civil Engineer #WWG1WGA # FIghtback It's all Good! God wins!
Is that a dick ?

Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP
Piglosi always wearing that "power pin" word around town is it actually does yield demonic powers. Dark energy transference thru dark ritual

God Bless POTUS19! God Bless America! #SaveTheChildren WWG1WGA!

Sometimes knowing is the hardest part...but it keeps you one step ahead of the enemy.
Start watching at 6:49:16 you can watch her get up and walk to the podium. ;)

Funny it is but being a Photoshop guy for a living I hate bad photoshop pics, not to mention postion of lump is too high.

All For Family, God, Country and Humankind! We the People, We Are One! #MAGA #SaveOurChildren
Tired of the lies. The satanic gender bender stuff is messed up weird. They have gone to great lengths to hide it and deceive people. I bet they were part of some ritual.

Never had any idea that their were so many People that didn't like there gender. Just saying..... These People are disgusting.

"elite gender inversion"
basically theyre all inverted genders... if we think its a man, it was born a woman...vise versa
once i went down that rabbit hole, i havent been able to look at ANYONE the same. i check their finger length right away (biological male has a longer ring finger, shorter pointer. bio woman has a longer pointer vs ring finger.) VERY INTERESTING !!!!
victoria secret models are ALL MEN
skeletal makeup doesnt lie!!! (up is down and down is up, am i right?😂)

Digital Warrior who took the Oath! Thriving in Free Florida Sending Love, Joy & Blessings from our Dad... To ALL on Earth & ALL Above
I just want to make sure SOMEONE gets that Pin BACK from her!
It is a historical Heirloom, belonging to The People & supposed
to be DISPLAYED at the Congress!
Someone get it before she wears it to the Gallows!

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
"The official announcement of military law was on January 20th at 12:00 a.m. The mainstream media were all notified by the U.S. Military Goverment. They turned a blind eye to it. Biden, 355 congressmen, 109 senators and 464 elected arrested."

everybody's obsessed now with ppl having dicks. its cray. 😂

I'm at the point where I don't care what they look like. They can have a wanger, a tail or just be reptilian. I just want them to GO!

Even a cheap photo editor will prove this is BS.

I LQVE Big Daddy Trump🕴️ 🇺🇲🐸 https://gab.com/Mhielovez_U

My name is Tone . Patriot. Knots a bit with the language -but clearly we communicate when there is A ❤️💯%
😂🤣Heheh..thanks I need that heheh hooo 🤣😂☺️

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
"The official announcement of military law was on January 20th at 12:00 a.m. The mainstream media were all notified by the U.S. Military Goverment. They turned a blind eye to it. Biden, 355 congressmen, 109 senators and 464 elected arrested."

It looks like she was wearing it on Dec 22nd, 2020- New Actor???

Another station, same speech


A Vet from a family line of Vets who loves My God, My Family and The United States of America 🇺🇸 and to the Republic for which it stands!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂For Real? lol lol. This movie is AWESOME! 🎥

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.
We are watching a freak show is what we are watching! These souks need to go to a very special place where they can never escape! Ever!

Trying to learn. I reversed image search and found many like photos, but couldn't figure out how to find the video. Can someone direct me?

All That You Perceive And All That You Do, Is A Manifestation Of Energy, Experienced & Expressed In Love 💫 Pureblood, Starseed, Observer
I'm voting no. i suffered thru her speech to grab these

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker. https://t.me/DiedSuddenlyConnecticut
Must have been grim. At least you captured the NO PIN / PIN images. Mace of the Republic.

Not photoshopped !

Lived whole life in South Australia and am a huge Trump supporter. Married for 50 years
looks like a colostomy bag mmm?

We share very few sentiments with our government.

🤣😂 loving this thread today

euh 🙄quesaco ? hum 🤔une ceinture de chastete ? la blague

God Family Truth and 2A to protect my rights for all the Above.I stand for the flag and kneel to pray to God the Father through Jesus!
ella tiene un pene grande

Her Daughter has a man thang