Never had any idea that their were so many People that didn't like there gender. Just saying..... These People are disgusting.
"elite gender inversion"
basically theyre all inverted genders... if we think its a man, it was born a woman...vise versa
once i went down that rabbit hole, i havent been able to look at ANYONE the same. i check their finger length right away (biological male has a longer ring finger, shorter pointer. bio woman has a longer pointer vs ring finger.) VERY INTERESTING !!!!
victoria secret models are ALL MEN
skeletal makeup doesnt lie!!! (up is down and down is up, am i right?π)
Jesus, Family, Country β€οΈπΊπΈ 1 John 4
sorry, friend. you most certainly arent right. i was born female and my pointer is shorter than my ring finger.