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God fearing wife and mother of five grandmother of one princess. I love my country and Trump. #GODWINS #SAVETHECHILDREN
My husband and I have not had any health insurance in 8 years. We refuse to pay those high monthly premiums just to pay thousands more in deductibles and copays. We are in our 50's and very healthy. We don't go to doctors or take any prescriptions. We pay cash if something comes up. We save ourselves a lot of money. We put it towards our health with doTERRA supplements and essential oils along with organic eating and working out.
Looking forward to The Best is yet to come. Holding the line
I pray everyday for the corrupt medical system, big pharma and insurance to be exposed and taken down🙏
Has anyone tried the Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM) plan? I keep hearing the commercial on the radio! I pay almost $500 a month for just me (Blue Cross of Texas). Never sick, but have had to have surgery some random surgeries in the last 20-30 years (ankle repair from athletics, emergency hysterectomy etc), so I do always want some sort of insurance (especially for hospital). Interested to know if anyone has Tried CHM? 🤷♀️
Disclaimer, not a Dave Ramsey fan, but found good info in his site.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
We’ve been CHM members since 2012 and would recommend them to anyone looking for a health sharing account.
We have not used CHM but we do like:
It's crazy how warped everything is. Literally every single deck is stacked against us. This realization more than anything broke me. What a pointless waste of time and effort. Unfair. Oppressive. Systemic. A circularity of reinforcements (mostly negative) to prop up the worst culprits. Healthcare, banks & government. In ignorance we helped build our own cage... Irony really is a mf.
Medbeds, QFS and extremely limited gov would immediately fix so much. Complicated world, lots of problems. People need a win.
Justice = Just Us Honored to be followed by Vincent Kennedy.
We are retired, my husband is on Medicare, our daughter is in college. Our premiums for health insurance is close to $2000 a month. It's outrageous.
Truth and justice will prevail. Mother. Patriot. Truth Seeker.
They’re absolutely evil. My 70 year old mother is extremely healthy, nothing wrong with her and she takes no medications. The health insurance through my Dad’s work refuse to cover her because they can’t believe she’s actually that healthy - even though all the tests they had run were through their doctors! If they can’t make money off you being sick, they don’t want to insure you. backwards.
3 of us and we pay the same. All healthy. We haven’t been to doc in 3 years. I quit the dentist, fluoride, etc and so much healthier. Quit all allergy meds and they all went away after decades.
When Obummer (small biz crusher) was in office we were paying $2k for insurance that was suddenly useless. $1,200 well check invoice came in the mail for a 4yr old’s check up. Another wake-up moment.
Forgive, but never forget. To bad its all gonna crash on them. ❤️
*just a mom, not a licensed anything
Faith+ Family +Vibes + Truth . No DM’s unless I know ya :)
That’s insanely high . Ugg soo sorry 🤦🏻♀️
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God loving Patriot who wants to learn and share the truth!
I've been doing a lot of research on insurance as well and I'm really tired of paying $8k a year for the pleasure of carrying around a plastic card just in case something bad happens. I have decided to put the amount we've been paying "them" into my own private account and I have checked with my 2 doctors on cash pricing. They were so willing to work on a cash basis because they can't stand working with the insurance companies either. It will be a savings of about $6,500 a year for us. I'm going to work with a insurance broker and get another policy for emergencies (emergency health insurance, catastrophic if your under 30 years old) only if it works out to be cheaper. Otherwise, whatever happens happens.
Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
I had a wonderful insurance company. Then at 65 they FORCED me to take medicare. Now I still have my wonderful insurance company but they are my secondary (which means they pay nothing). Medicare pays for some (?) when I go to the doctor once a year for my thyroid blood work, it cost around $400. Now my two great insurance company's don't pay anything cause I have not reached my deductible (which is low). AND if my income goes up -my cost for medicare insurance goes up - then I have to pay the monthly amount plus $$ more. Take every dime when they can....PLUS when you are on medicare they want to run every test on you they can get away with to create a problem * a pacemaker cost $76,000 & medicare pays all of it....the doctors know what they are doing. I say NO to any & all test..when I get sick I will let them know.
I feel your pain.
My husbad recently retired after 37 years from a large corporation. We had the same insurance for the last 15 years. The "new" insurance is the same company. A year after he retired the insurance dropped me. The letter said I need to apply for Medicaid, because I gave an incurable disease. (MS)
My humble opinion is, the government mandated health insurance is to control our health or lack there of. Push as many as you can to the government subsidized plan, then force the physicians to accept said plan, then change allowable coverage under the guise of cost. This will certainly lower the population. Mission accomplished!!
🇮🇹/🇬🇧/🇺🇸 ✝️ WWG1WGA 🌏Kindness is Free 💖✨Family is Everything✨💖
Have often thought this ... they coin it in! It's a very unfair system.
Somebody I know racked up $100k+ in hospital/medical bills during covid 2021 and had no health insurance because of the scamdemic layoffs. Thanks to the scamdemic, they discounted the bill and dropped it to $15k. HA! The person is broke; barely hanging on. Person ended up mailing $20 a month. A year goes by and now they are like, "$4k final balance". However, it must be done in one payment.
The healthcare industry is a front for fraud. Hospitals, doctors, and insurance companies: it's all a coordinated scam on the people.
Patriot, Catholic, Vietnam Era U.S. Army veteran, father to my 22 y/o Son serving in the USCG. UM Z God Wins. Trump 2020. BTW Its flat.
and the VA health care system is the leader in shitty health care.
imagine if you would have saved that money, it would have covered pretty much anything health related that would come up i would think! But i get it, your damned if you do and damned if u don't! We have gone without insurance aside from our daughter who is on medicaid, because neither one of us have an option through work and we can't afford anything else. I worry that she may loose it with all of the mandates they are still trying to push, because she will not have anything forced upon her!
Yup. And then they don't even cover anything. We have to spend over 30k out of pocket before they pay 100% and we pay $1300 for family of four as well. And the ratio of what we pay until they pay is absolutely unattainable. They cover $25 maybe of a $500 bill? I was sobbing paying medical bills the other day. Kept telling myself....they make you sick and then they make you pay for it. This level of angst that I feel from the system will literally break me.
The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime
I am sorry you even have to pay for that piece of mind. It is for sure time to put health back into healthcare.
Oregon is trying to be the first state to mandate universal healthcare.
We will pay more premiums and taxes. I may be forced to leave this state like a REFUGEE ~ thanks DOT GOV !
Oregon Universal Health Care Task Force Issues Draft Report As Opponents Mobilize | The Lund Report
Oregon business groups, including commercial health insurers and Oregon Business & Industry, oppose the plan citing its proposed new taxes. Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/admin/www/ on line 1
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I'm an old fashioned woman, the kind with a WOMB! Army Vet, daughter, sister, mom, grandma, best friend. #WWG1WGAWW #FamilyISEverything
Chose natural health vs medical insurance. Yes, it is out of pocket, but so much less expensive, in the long run. is my choice. They can diagnose through hair/saliva samples and get you started, naturally, reprogramming your body to heal itself. Great staff. Great company
I agree 100%
In the US it is mandatory to have health insurance.
"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.
it all this evil that needs to go away
I could be wrong but I think I remember from past posts you are in CA, where you get forced to insure or pay a huge price at tax time?
What about doing a Christian co-share like Liberty or Medishare?
I did that for years until I had opp to use company plan. I had great luck with Liberty because like you, I don't go to docs. Both are exempt from the penalty at tax time.
Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
Knowing our healthcare system colluded in the Plandemic, I find it hard to trust anyone in the medical field. God protect us.
Human, fluoride free, unvax'd since 93, homeschooled g6+, 80%unimployed(20yrs), internet searcher (fitness, health, truth, interestings)
1700 a month in pocket adds up to a pretty big what if
Its a scam out of picket dr s is less- prescriptions use a coupon online stay away from Drs -
What about creating your own HSA? (health savings account)
The $$ you're putting toward an insurer could be a better benefit for you (and family) than the waste of an insurance comp. I'm with a large corp and am forced into the plan. Personally? I'd choose a diff route since I'm in the same boat as you. Good luck!
Only followers of this user (@techstartupmom) can see their posts
I had Obama Care a couple of years ago. I have no insurance and take no medications. Hopefully nothing happens to me. I caught them lying about my blood pressure. Don't trust them.
Our insurance (here in the US is a huge mess)!
It might be worth taking a look at this option:
Q 5:5 Trump will be my president forever. TWAT booted Jan 8th 2021 WWG1WGA Love you all AU
Twit contact ELM 23 @inittogether23 In a happy relationship with my handsome #save the children #freejulianassange #Trump2023
I pay 800 a month for me and my son. Not to mention the amount we have paid in copays too...they are raping us
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