Stephen Kraft
3 years ago

Stephen Kraft

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This feels much-much bigger than this. A global government, in the making, the kind where force dominates, obedience required, where ideologies are mandated and enforce with an iron fist.. I don’t believe she'd be allowed much off-roading-freedom to do as she pleases. She would indeed be placing her nightmarish acquaintances in pivotal positions, but essentially anybody could fill those slots, with pretty much the same results.. all pathways toward the left leads to destruction as the only outcome. We are no longer playing "anything" as "usual". It feels intuitively like we're in the middle of a storm to me..

Would essentially be the same as Biden... she would be told what to do the same as Biden is currently instructed. None of these evil pixies are allowed to design their own policy agenda. They're simply dank monsters being run by remote control!

You are funny.. the "Supreme law of the land" has been trampled on via a blatantly stolen election, the mandatory shutdowns of states/thier businesses, forced mask wearing, mass poisoning with vaccines, all under the guise of a fake pandemic.. CRT, BLM, unending streams of lies via the "press", the list is long and deadly, to both individuals and collectively. And you choose to spend your time rattling a box of proposed "insights" while your country is being devastated beneath the very legs you stand on.
If a crosswalk light says Go, and yet you're watching a truck heading your way at great speed, do you cross anyway simply because you're still "technically" in the right?
With the audits we're approaching a constitutional crisis, they will prove quite conclusively that Trump won.. this is a no brainer... whose side will you be on when this occurs?

Odd, you are... you sound like the pushback from the left. You've surrendered for what reason? An election was stolen, in broad daylight. And such was coordinated by foreign intrusion. Our government was just overthrown by ballot corruption. And yet you focus on why such must remain in place, because of "formalities", "odd players", "legal loopholes"? We are in the midst of a war... why do you shill for a loosing hand, among all the viable cards that are potentially in play?


These are extraordinary times....

You take pride in your ability to feel stuck in the mud? This was an invasion from without and within. All bets are off in such cases..


In response Q_KingDavid 0o0 to his Publication

Pretty-much what results from a normal flu season.. they simply flipped the average flu numbers over to "covid". clearly we've been played..

It's so obvious this is a deep, and very dark, scam..

In response Edie Brown to his Publication

On my android, once you start playing the video hold your finger on the screen over the video while it's playing, and a little pop-up window will ask you if you want to download whats playing.
You then have to figure out where your device stored it. It seems each of my apps like to plant their downloads in the craziest places possible on my tablet.


Jane KKAG responded in relation to a pc;
Play the video, right-click to download it to your computer then upload it elsewhere.

In response Just Jana to her Publication

I agree... I feel that after this mess most "all" vaccines will start coming under much closer scrutiny. This one is deadly up-front and in the open, while the others they've been forcing on our children are far more mischievous, and mostly damaging long-term.
When studying vaccines I was thinking that if these things were simply killing people out-right, and in undeniable numbers, then clearly their days would be numbered. This just may be the very one that will perform that dirty deed... really hard to watch though.. while in the long run we need to stop poisoning our kids...

In response Willow My dogo to her Publication

On my android, once you start playing the video hold your finger on the screen over the video while it's playing, and a little pop-up window will ask you if you want to download whats playing.
You then have to figure out where your device stored it. It seems each of my apps like to plant their downloads in the craziest places possible on my tablet.

In response Sandra Jean 16 to her Publication

Why Trump is pushing this bothers me deeply. I'll be curious to finally learn what the strategy is behind this odd and bizarre dive into such an obvious nightmare. I studied vaccines intently to the point that there's absolutely no way I'd ever get near "anyone" of those things, let alone this one. Some time ago Wakefield had met privately with Trump and came away from that conversation feeling satisfied that Trump was okay, that he was satisfied by what he had heard.
Everything about right now is so absolutely weird, and on so many levels. I'm on the edge of my seat watching intensely as all this unfolds...

In response Stephen Kraft to his Publication

"-Arizona Audit Twitter

DotNetMatt offers more insight:

The screenshot shows they used a data recovery software ( so it is likely that they were able to restore the files, however we can't know for sure. We can see 2 files have a size of 0 bytes so these are probably lost forever. When you delete a file on a computer, it's not really gone. It's still on the hard drive, but it is not visible to the user and the space used on the disk by this file is marked as free so it can be used to write something else when needed. So if nothing was written over the file then it is recoverable.

There are also possibilities to calculate what are the missing parts of a file, it looks like the software has this capability (file repair)."

In response Stephen Kraft to his Publication
In response Lucky MAN to his Publication

"Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the show"... Awesome!

62 million now watching the live stream! đź‘Ť

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Someone else started that account, and posts most of its content. she finally found out who it was and gained access to it a couple of months back. she does her investigating full time so her shop helps support her in lue of asking for donations, as many other channels do. Like many other anons she's guessing a lot, but her heart is clearly in the right place so I happily keep her in my rotation of the channels that I normally monitor. She's okay.. đź‘Ť

In response Rae of Sunshine to her Publication

Here's a couple of screen shots of some great accounts that I found. Just enter the names in the search window ( upper left ), there's many more of course but these are essentially fire hoses of info!

In response Rae of Sunshine to her Publication
In response Rae of Sunshine to her Publication


In response r363l l10n to her Publication
In response r363l l10n to her Publication

I'm thinking that's a cover story....

In response Stephen Kraft to his Publication
In response Stephen Kraft to his Publication

I'm not thinking that this was an accident... note all the decodes that accompanied this... at a minimum it's interesting reading...

In response Anon H@redpilledRN to his Publication

This is what todays version of war against civilians looks like. They are trying to take us down by forcing us to comply with the weapons of their own choosing. Shame on those who participate in this assault on their fellow human souls. The police, in these cases, are unwittingly as horrific as the monsters who are hatching these strategies...

In response Star Ravyn to her Publication

Bizarre isn’t it! It's the little things that help expose this movie for what it really is... 👍

In response Naomi KeK to her Publication

"Hedgies / Wall Street will need more than an's not just a storm headed their's a Tsunami!"

In response Mare Qay - WWG1WGA! to her Publication

I've seen this one... Yes, Excellent!

In response Warrior for Truth to his Publication

It's stunning what these ass-whipes have been getting away with!