Julie Barnes
@juliebjoe864Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
Greenville SC Trump 19th President of the USA

DJT stood in the rose garden and repeatedly said the military was ready to take out the shot to all state. And thats what happened. He also said Johnson & Johnson worked with Warp Seed and he was greatful. Should have paid attention. Should have gone to a base to get a shot. You knew the dark side would continue with their evil plan putting bloody aborted baby parts, the corona virus, ebola, but not the deadly strain and other nasty stuff in there. They feared you to death ... nearly. Next time listen to your president. Wht does it feel like have another human being coarsing through your veins? cannibalism? just wondering

More things coming out of the darkness: SOON
6:Federal Reserve-going back on the gold standard and off fiat
7: Uranium 1 (William Campbell whistleblower)
Clinton Foundation. 145Million
8: Project Hammer-election fraud-that General McInerny figured out in 2017
9: Project Folsom- UK/MI6/helping Obama spy on Trump/5 eye involved
10: Spygate-Russia Russia Russia- Mueller-Unmasking Flynn
11: IRS Scandal- Lois Lerner used IRS in blackmail(having all your financials)
12: Fast & Furious- Eric Holder of Obama admin-he sold weapons to the mexican cartel to use against us, our troops, sex trafficking

corona or covid was weaponized with chemicals that together with the equipment on the Ever Given would have killed us. So all good now. Take off your masks and stop taking the placebo shots. Just stop and hey ready for the Great Awakening!

Things coming out from the darkness: SOON
1: Epstein
2: catholic church/Vatican
3: United Nations- 2 bills on the floor/ defunding & moving them out of NY
4: Ronald Reagan/JFK/Gerald Ford
i know that G Bush 1 tried to have Reagan assassinated. it didnt work but he told Reagan hed make it happen for sure next time and he ran the country and told Reagan to look pretty and speak eloquently. i cant stang German born Nazi Bush. Hes the devil and theres SO much to tell about him
5: (speaking of which). Deep State & Illuminati & 13 bloodline families of satan

jfk AND JR alive
seth rich too
Michael Jachon. Princess Disna
Koby brisnt
overjoyed snd cried

Ohhhhhhh sh!t ! https://t.me/MistyG17/7401

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
40 year mortgages and foreclosure bans until 2022 are Trump moves, folks.
Read between the lines.

^A poem from a UK girl
We All Came Together By The Letter Q
Picked up the breadcrumbs
Researched & knew what to do
The movement of truth from dark to light
We are all Q and “We The People” will fight
For our freedoms, our families, our rights to live
In a world rid of evil, it’s all for the kids.
So we ride on the Q train with Potus
Let’s unite together
The plan of the elites skies falling down
They never thought she’d lose
They are such clowns.
So the rise of the people live,
The rise of the sun
It’s a light to the world to show us the way
Truth is here and it’s here to stay!
This time will be told for years to come.
History in the making, we’ve all been a part, and it’s been so much fun.
We’ve laughed We’ve cried
We’ve stumbled at times
But we’ve stayed strong
And we’ve stayed on the ride
.... to the true ones who have
The time is now
Patriots of the world
We win, they fall.
Thank you Q + POTUS
You set us free (once and will again)
We truly ar

For those who are just rubbing their eyes to wake up. This is hard to think about but its time to know the truth about our children
Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal - best news here
Over a thousand trafficked children and dead bodies have been rescued out of shipping containers in the Suez Canal by US Navy Seals. Sources say that as of this writing, children were still being rescued and bodies discovered in Evergreen’s 18,000+ containers. The containers were on an Eve..
someone suggested to me i was watching a movie.... and in fact i know that i am. But i post things like Coca Cola meme to wake OTHERS up. Everything i place here i have thought through
happy Easter

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.
Wanna see Chicago go into straight up 'panic mode'?
Hang 3 little words on a Bridge, that should do it 🤣
CPD, IL State Police & Cook County Sheriffs were some of my most ardent supporters, with smiles and waves as well.
Patriots? OMG, they loved seeing their good friend, Q, back on#ThePeoplesBridge again.
Such a great day to be a Patriot, I had a Blast.

Deltas for April 3
Future proves past.
Drops will go fast.
Could Q return with a BOOM ?
Are you ready for an Incoming April Storm ?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (the alleged 9/11 mastermind) is STILL in GITMO awaiting trial.
Makes you wonder if good guys in the military (the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS) have been delaying for the past 2 decades so that ALL of the names throughout the world responsible for 9/11 are held to account.

20k sub Y/T channel removed June 3 2021. Visit our website for up to date uncensored content & to join our EMAIL LIST to be notified.

i sure hope these "other people" are right when they says c19 DISAPPEARS in April! Can you imagine??

i missed my Anon up yesterday!!!! Lin wood mentioned Telegram was acting like Twotter use to. im gurssing Telegram will be gone soon. im on no other platform but Gab & i never use it