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Jose Argentum
Jose Argentum
14 hours ago

Jose Argentum

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Digital Soldier

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

Anything with arms, legs, a torso and a head is considered humanoid.

In response Tracey Weller to her Publication

I just watched it. This is the comment that I left.

"Whatever happened to them showing the down range telemetry data like they used too? And why does the announcer keep referring to miles per hour when it's clearly being shown as KMPH. And why when mentioning the MPH does it match the KMPH on the screen when the MPH should be about 1/3 less than the KMPH? So much fuggery going on here."

Comment from @JosePlata - YouTube

Whatever happened to them showing the down range telemetry data like they used too? And why does the announcer keep referring to miles per hour when it's clearly being shown as KMPH. And why when mentioning the MPH does it match the KMPH on the screen when the MPH should be about 1/3 less than t..

In response All Right to his Publication

Who knows who was on the shuttle that day who knows if anyone was on the shuttle that day??? The question is who wasn't on the shuttle that day... and it seems fairly clear to the objective eye that the people they said were on the shuttle that day were not.

In response Pinka nita to her Publication

Here's the video of the photo's you have posted here.

In response Spar Hawk to his Publication

No such thing as Chyna Ukraine. This is what comes up when you do a search for 'Chyna.'

Chynadiiovo, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine, 89640

In response Spar Hawk to his Publication

Youre welcome.

In response Spar Hawk to his Publication

Here's the link.

If your link is behind a paywall just paste into and read it for free.

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

Thats a sarcasm account. And a pretty good one at that.

In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication
The Sum of All Fears - Payback scene (high quality) - YouTube

In response USCG VET to his Publication

It's true. I went to Zillow, went to DC and all the listings I pulled were less than 1 week old. 1 day, 3 days, 4 days... I pulled half a dozen listings and the oldest was 7 days .

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

In her own words the director of Amazon facial recognition software.

Amazon facial recognition software confirms what we knew all along. Michelle Obama is a shemale - YouTube

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

It's gonna be biblical...


Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) is an honorable family man, until the day his wife and daughter are murdered in a home invasion. He hopes for justice, but a ri...

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Google Maps today.

In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication


In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication

Melania's known height of 5 ft 11 in combination with Barrons known height being 6 ft 8 I'd say this is the real Trump at 6 ft 3.

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Oregon State football team to be specific.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

You don't even have to look that hard they hide it in plain sight right under your nose.

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

This is an exhaustive list of known healing frequency's. The diseases are listed from A-Z. All frequencies listed in HZ unless otherwise noted.

In response Jean Kilroy⭐ to her Publication

I've seen some say he's Jewish... which idk. I've seen some say he's a freemason... which is obvious because of all the masonic handshakes, yet to what degree, idk. For years I've been looking for someone who fits the description in Revelation `13:3. Call me crazy but if the shoe fits...

In response Jean Kilroy⭐ to her Publication

Hello Jean Kilroy, I been following you for a while. Regarding several comments you've made recently about the anti-christ. I'm curious how you came to your conclusions.

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

Pour fluoridated tap water into a plastic baby bottle, add your favorite soy based GMO, arsenic and glycophosphate laced baby formula, radiate it in your microwave oven for a minute or two then shake it up and give to baby - what could possibly go wrong?

In response Barry McCockinner to his Publication

David Wynn Miller is the expert on this subject.

Quantum Language Broken Down In Simple Math - YouTube

Get your copy of the David Wynn Miller Book at https://www.davidwynnmillerbook.comJoin us at

In response Back to the Future to his Publication

Jr was born during The Week Of Independence.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Lebron, Joe Biden, George Bush, Kevin Spacey, Chrissy Teigen... all caught on camera delivering pizza.

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Their symbolism.

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

Or, they let them steal it again so they can catch them red handed and then they can call in the military.

In response Ken Ziegenfus to his Publication

Here is the original source material.

In response arba happihr to her Publication

To be fair people did not smile for photo's back then.

In response mark kub to his Publication

They're not as much anti-Kamala/Biden as they are pro Trump. The dems have offically lost the black vote and they're never getting it back.