Her plum job reward for her silence about the enormous betrayal that mission effected still to this day.
Please help me here. So all the "teachers" that were supposed to be on that mission were not really in the shuttle that day. Who was actually on the shuttle then that day and why on earth would they lie about it?

Who knows who was on the shuttle that day who knows if anyone was on the shuttle that day??? The question is who wasn't on the shuttle that day... and it seems fairly clear to the objective eye that the people they said were on the shuttle that day were not.

Yeah, I have seen the photos of other teachers who supposedly died that day but are still alive today.

No one was on the shuttle that day but we all were led to believe they were. Why did they fake their deaths and lie about everything for decades, still lying? They are evil and enjoy hurting normal people. And they got paid to lie all this time. They are sick. They are worshippers of satan. Keep looking into this and you will see.

I guess we will never truly understand because we don't have that evil mindset. I can't imagine wanting to hurt people and getting pleasure from it.