Willow My dogo
3 years ago

Willow My dogo

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In response wht 2.0 to his Publication

Sits on the World Economic Forums Partnering against corruption Forum laughable!

In response Willow My dogo to her Publication

The fact that i am even talking anout this would be enough evidence for my family to have me committed. 🤣 Ive seen and read so much this past year that anything is possible and open for discussion imo

I think they are setting up the narative that they need to be killed but if there is a galactic federation I believe they are here to help. From my understanding the reptiles are the bad ones who want to eat us. 🤮😳

In response Photon 333 to her Publication

Do you think the vials might contain different ingredients? normally, I would expent that the manufacturers are following CGMP but nothing about this situation is normal

In response Angel Joy to her Publication

pray this nifhtmare ends soon!

In response True Patriot to his Publication

diddicult to find water thats just water anymore. Costco, Desani, etc adding chemicals to the bottled water!

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

people who have played the game in SV appreciate the slower pace and real people in smaller communities. they have been going to HH for years and know what they are getting into. I have a daughter living in the midwest and love visiting so much that its always hard to come home. Its propaganda that californians are all liberal and take our liberal values with us. the people leaving are leaving bc we hate the crazy liberal culture and cost of living. the liberal media uses this proplaganda so the politicians can cheat and install criminals acroas the country.

In response IN THE LANE to her Publication

same here but seems like we have major shortages coming. I live in crazy liberal silicon valley and dont know how much more I can take.

In response Anon Bux to his Publication

good hope this means he is a gonner

In response IN THE LANE to her Publication

spot on!

In response Joyce Chandler to her Publication

truth and when the slaves learn the scam they are no longer motivated to work in the system.

In response Vaune Carr to her Publication

archbishop mitty hs in san jose! we paid almost 30k a yesr for brainwashing and division!

In response LightAngel9 ... to her Publication

thanks i ordered this

In response Catherine Smith to her Publication

this woke me up many years ago. unfortunately, many of the immigrants coming across the southern border are meeting the same tragic fate. Its horrific and I havent trusted the media since! There is an "exhibit" of human bodies, killed in their prime in Vegas. Hard to believe this has not been taken down.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

I agree. we have tried to wake people but depending on where you live it can be very difficult. I ran into aome old friends today who are moving to Hilton Head (from silicon valley) bc they lost friends when they refused the jab. Trump may have won CA but silicon valley is full of "smart" sheep.

In response E.T. PHONE HOME to his Publication

Are they the black hat nations? it seems like these countries are full communism now

In response Dan Auito to his Publication

He is a stable genius and the woman who asked if he is on psych meds is the troubled soul!

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

Its because of the technology they are mislead. very sad

close the border!

In response Rena 1776 to her Publication

time to fill up? the roofs look like space ships? 🤔

In response Robert Combs to his Publication

can we drink the water in San Jose, San Francisco, LA? All "sancutary" cities with massive homeless living by and poluting our rivers.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

They will accomplish lining their pockets if we let them

In response Robert Miller to his Publication

maybe this is the whit hats in charge and the plan is to bring inexpensive cures to the world by encouraging collaboration around the world? The patent protections are part of the cabal world and drive the costs. I am hust playing devils advocate. I work in this indistry and have always worked with the most costly therapies so I have a different perspective. I am also an advocate for natural medicine and I know that the actual cures are found in our food and nature rather than a patent for a synthetic drug.

In response TrQth PQtriQt17~Z to her Publication

I met a young insulin dependent diabetic and he said his price did not change under trump. in in cali does anyone have an explaination?

In response Layney 888 Z- K3K to her Publication

wow! the lights in the sky look like the same ones someone posted from the sky in hawaii.

In response Never Evil to his Publication

nothing would surprise me at this point. Fauci was involved in the aids epidemic and he is involved with covid so it makes sense. HIV takes a long time to progress to AIDS, so people would not see the detrimental effects for years. This doesnt explain the myocarditis however.

In response Tracey Weller to her Publication

Im sorry I know what you are going through.

In response Mrs. Foster to her Publication

Im grossed out by all of this! I hope they all go down!

In response Tracey Weller to her Publication

my husband is still asleep and its really hard on our relationship. I pray somethting happens soon to save my family 🙏

In response Annette Evans Eley to her Publication

I hope this is true but he could have had a face lift?