Never Evil
@NeverEvilNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
One thread that I haven’t really seen exposed, is the relationship of Ghislaine Maxwell and Donald Trump. We are for the most part familiar with Jeffery Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell relationship, but there definitely seems to be a long term relationship of Trump and Maxwell.
Confused on what Im getting at, search for photos of Trump and Maxwell. There are at least 7 unique photos of them taken together, with one of them looking like they would be talking for the length of the show they attended.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
@Admin, is there an approval button to authorize people that want to follow you when you have a protected profile? I have a line of people that want to follow me, but i cant find a way to approve the request.
Thank You

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Green Bay Wisconsin has some interesting history. Yeah, there’s the FoolsBall Team, quite a few major paper converting plants that make Toilet Paper, a town that tore down its Main Street to put in a Mall (that failed miserably), but it has a neat gem hidden for the right people. The National Rail Road Museum.
If you guys were all aboard the Trump Train, check out some of the other trains with important history such as the Aerotrain made by GM, or the Dwight D Eisenhower train (pictured with the Dominion of Canada).
Woo Woo!
Lets see who can extract some more coincidences 🤔

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Im going on a blocking spree, maybe toss out a couple of FOOKS for the real winners.
This is just for my reference, but feel free to use the same tactics. Trolls, bots, & scammers are receiving a one way ticket to IGGY town.
If I see a poster with a billion different hastags .... GONE. If theres is a poster trying to push some sort of shiny product ... GONE. If I see any overtly graphic material used only for shock value that is not directly related to a specific event .. yup, gone. Meaning if its just a random grotesque image, attached to a random accusation of someone, that is grounds for me to not want to listen to you. However, if the image is a direct result of a situation, that poster will not be blocked. I.E. an explosive device detonated & there were casualties with a photo of the scene.
Redpaper news, Real Raw News, or any other news that feeds us what we want to hear, will be viewed as skeptical, due to the lack of resources to verify the story.
I’m limiting a

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
What if all of the Riots along the northern border states served two purposes?
The first purpose is to drive down Real Estate values. With such low interest rates, they can come in, scoop up Real Estate for pennies on the dollar, hold them for a year at a low cost, and then flip it when they move onto the next area.
The second purpose is concealment of infiltration and invasion. With everyone looking at Washington state, Minnesota and Michigan .... who is watching Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire? Im going to guess a very little amount and they cant see everything going on at all times.
I just wonder how this chess move pays off.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
AUGUST 14, 2021 should be a day Patriots demand the closing of the Federal Reserve and reinstitute the backing of our money with tangible assets. Why August 14? It would be 50 years (Golden anniversary) since Nixon removed the asset backing from the currency to usher in the Petro Fiat Dollar.
What is proposed, everyone that wishes to participate, purchase any and all physical metal bullion from Pawn Shops, Coins Shops, or any jewelry shop selling Gold, Silver, Platinum, or any other precious metal with all the fiat currency you have, credit available, or other means of payment.
What I hope happens. The banks will have all of their fiat worthless currency back, and patriots will have their money system back. The Fed can collapse and the Treasury will then take back over. Its not a perfect plan, but its a step back in the right direction.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Any person that has taken any “vaccine”, will not be able to touch me (hand shake, hug, elbow bump, high 5, etc) for a minimum of 6 months.
Your irrational fear drove you to get an experimental gunk pumped into you, my logical fear is waiting to see what that gunk does.
I do not consent to any injection, aerosol transfer, liquid transfer, solid transfer, or physical transfer of anything commonly known as a “vaccine” for the Covid 19 / SARS2 virus, that has not been fully tested and documented of any and all side effects.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
There was something that seemed off about the words America Uncanceled at the CPAC. It seemed misspelled to me as if there is a missing L and should be Uncancelled.
Well, lets Gematria America Uncanceled = 132.
What else equals 132 that could be of significance? Flip theough the pictures to find out.

Future Proves Past, It Has Begun, Is Wray A Sleeper, Future Marker – Ep. 2417
March 2, 2021.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Just a Thought Exercise. IN NO WAY, AM I CONDONING VIOLENCE / INSURRECTION / TREASON / SEDITION or any other crime, against another person, government, or property. This is just a HYPOTHETICAL, & is purely fiction on all fronts for the sake of thinking outside the box.
Few things to keep in mind: Its going to be Biblical. Rods of God, Castle Rock, Tunnels under White House/Congress/Supreme Court and other federal buildings. Child/human trafficking. Nashville Christmas. Nuclear Football. AF1
What if ... On March 4, after all the tunnels are cleared, the troops pull out of DC, & all actors are at Castle Rock Studios in California (not in DC), Rods of God are deployed to destroy White House, Capitol Hill, & all tunnels under DC?
This could be a false flag used as cover to eliminate the body doubles, POTUS safe on AF1, Swamp is GONE, 200,000+ sealed indictments opened & executed, Military deployed to "rescue" governors & other officials for arrests.
Again, only a thought exer

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
They are trying to flaunt their power, so i called them out. This is from the official White House channel on youtube.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Part 9 - breaking down transmission through filter materials.
What does this all mean? It means, that if the Rona is present, you will either breathe it in as a free particle, or it will be liberated from the moisture particle it is riding in. The Mask is only delaying the inevitable.
Remember, this is assuming you had a full seal around the mask & that every breath went through the filter material.
When you see someone with a mask, is it fully sealed? NO. Air is lazy & will take the path of least resistance. The Rona goes around the Mask if its present. Give me feedback if this he

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Part 8 - breaking down transmission through filter materials.
What if we have a filter medium that doesnt absorb the moisture that is resting on it? Evaporation. When the moisture is clogged onto the filter medium, not being able to go in or get out, what happens to it? As you breath in & out, adding energy to the moisture partcle, & passing air flow over the moisture particle, evaporation occurs. It is not instantaneous, & only a few molecules break free at a time. As that moisture particle shrinks in size, it will expose the Rona, and it will break free. We now have an obstructed particl

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Part 7 - breaking down transmission through filter materials.
Now we have moisture clogging the filter, a few things will happen. Enough restrictions will then apply enough force to pop the moisture through as in part 4. The filter material may absorb some of that moisture. As the moisture is being wicked away, the Rona will break free and then either enter or exit the filter material completely unobstructed. As the moisture is absorbed, the filter media will swell, and we start this cycle over again of obstruct, overcome obstruction, and reobstruct. This puts extra strain on breathing.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Part 6- breaking down transmission through filter materials.
This is a little out of order from part 3, but it all works together. This is the lodging of the moisture particle. If the mask is relatively fresh & dry, and the particle is close enough to the mask where as you do not get sufficient acceleration or force to get it through, it will just chill on the surface. Since there is plenty of unobstructed ports of entry, there wont be enough pressure to push it through, yet. As you breath 1, 2, or more hours in the mask, it will acculimalte more moisture clogged filter medium.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Part 5- breaking down transmission through filter materials
If the moisture particle is bigger than average, with sufficient Negative pressure (breathing in), the particle will be accelerated. When it hits a filter strand, it will be cut or severed, and then the multiple particles will take the shape of the hole, pass through & we have a scenario like in Part 4.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Part 4 - breaking down transmission through filter materials.
Pass through. With sufficient Negative pressure (Breathing in) the moisure particle containing the Rona will be accelerated enough that the moisture will contort from a sphere shape, to a cylinder to pass through the medium and then resume its sphere shape after passing through, still locking the Rona within its skin. That particle then completes its journey to the lungs. If the lungs capture the particle containing the Rona, the Rona now has a breeding ground to replicate.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Part 3 - Wet Particles
Humidity in the air & breath vapor are factors that need to be considered. All fluids take the shape of its container to reach an equalibrium point. What happens moisture comes in contact with the mask medium? It will contort to fit through the medium, severe when crossing a narrow obstruction if moisture is too large, absorb into the filter medium, or evaporate of the filter medium, or lodge in filter material. I want to give focus on each part in the coming posts 600 characters just isnt enough to explain it all in one shot.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Part 2
If we were to use chain link fence as a stand in for the mask & use a bucket full of bouncy balls as a stand in for the Rona. We will need to run the fence parallel with the ground as a stand in for Negative Pressure breathing. (Gravity is doing the work to simulate us breathing in) What happens when you dump the balls at the fence? Some will bounce completely around the fence and not entering it, some will bounce & enter a different hole & most pass right through. This was a dry experiment & does not include humidity or breath vapor. Lets continue with the next part.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Masks, Lets break em down. 2 or 3 part post
The Rona is .1 Micron big.
N95 Respirator filters DOWN TO .3 micron.
Sugical Masks down to .5 micron (research varies / avearge used) (this also assumes 100% seal around the mask and all air must pass through the filter medium.)
Lets scientifically change everything equally.
We are going to multiply by 10 & change word MICRON to INCH.
New data to work with: Rona = 1 inch , N95 filters down to 3 Inch, & Surgical down to 5 Inch. This gives you a 1 Inch ball (Rona), that is passing through 3+ inch size holes of filter medium with no loss.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Masks, Lets break em down. 2 or 3 part post
The Rona is .1 Micron big.
N95 Respirator filters DOWN TO .3 micron.
Sugical Masks down to .5 micron (research varies / avearge used) (this also assumes 100% seal around the mask and all air must pass through the filter medium.)
Lets scientifically change everything equally.
We are going to multiply by 10 & change word MICRON to INCH.
New data to work with: Rona = 1 inch , N95 filters down to 3 Inch, & Surgical down to 5 Inch. This gives you a 1 Inch ball (Rona), that is passing through 3+ inch size holes of filter medium with no loss.

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.