Diane Condon
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Good place to air the real movies after EBS. Its worldwide too, even in Israel.

Only happens every 60 years in the Chinese calendar.

Thanks for the correction, does seem strange though!!

I read the victim was ukranian and grew up on a submarine base in antartica. Wasn't Baldwin in Hunt for Red October a movie about a submarine in Antartica?????? How many coinkydinkees!!!

Arabella and Fatima?

🙏"Gone with the Wind Program"! I hope and Pray!

Is that PBK? Is he Negative48?

I found this on the Ingersoll Lockwood.com
Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections | The W..
On September 12, 2018, by Executive Order 13848, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 etseq.) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States con..
Prof.David Clement!

You really think after all the 100's of interviews Juan has done he would "accidently" do this. I saw it real time and recorded it also, it looked staged and maybe to misguide people!!!! My personal belief is that the voice we are hearing is not the person on the video that we are seeing! But thats just me!!!!😀

I hope this is true....Hard to research and back up!

S----- P-----???

try this link
Fall of the Cabal - Part 1-10 FULL DOCUMENTARY - HD
Buy NordVPN NOW and Surf Secure: https://go.nordvpn.net/SH12k The End of the World as we Know it – The Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebaard Beginning the search for the Truth, Left & Right in politics, Wikileaks, the inauguration of Donald J. Tr…
Last three visits to my Publix grocery store I have not worn one. I am the only person in there without. Tonight we picked up food from our local Five Guys. I went in maskless and the girl behind the counter handed me a blue mask. I said" I don't do those, thank You and God Bless you" Its a small thing that I can do to make a stand and hopefully people will start to follow.


There is an SR scan code on the table next to her which takes you to the Q board and a Q post with a video titled "We are not going to take it!"
All optics here to wake people up!

I trust my intuition 100%

Not true! See latest video with Robert and Charlie talking about it! I will post it!

😄When I first saw this from Dan,my first thought was that it was drawing a Q!!!!!!!

Am I correct in thinking that one of those boys is Patrick?

Also this is the 99th day of the year and he was 99 years and 9 months old!

Just saw an update. Thankfully they were let back on the flight. Personally, I would have found another way than get back on that plane. It was disgusting. I have a friend that went through 2 experiences just like this with her 2 year old on 2 seperate flights. This has to stop.

😂This made me laugh at how much fun the Whitehats are having! Richard's twitters are hilarious also!!!!

Oh my Gosh I have been struggling with getting my kitty his favorite flavors from Publix and Chewy for a while now. I wondered if there was a reason.

Bless your heart.

Ha Ha! My hubby and I stayed in beautiful Pittenweem July 2018! We loved it there! Gorgeous part of the world!!!

I have to thank you for having the courage to share this soul numbingly horrifying video. I agree that although it is unbearable to watch I feel that it must be shown to as many people as possible to make sure that this never happens again. Hell is not bad enough for these barbarians.

I read somewhere they were Hitler's and Eva Braun's daughters and there was a fourth who was Obama's mother. ( Hitler was helped to escape and did not die when the history books said )

This was yesterday! General Flynn https://youtu.be/QlfybQQOskk