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Christmas greetings!!…what a nimnut.

Same reason Amoxicillin is not sold over the counter or prescribed until you are fully infected or fatally sick. I have to tell them I am sick now in order to have some available if needed...don't wait.

Yes indeed! I just called and refilled my Amoxicillin to treat early ...if needed. Don't wait until you are really sick, call and be sick now. 😉

who is electing the Grand Jury?

😎The "TESTING" was found defective, inaccurate, never approved and request for approval was withdrawn. There is no virus.

wait, circle back....I don't think they have approved any "TESTING" yet, to prove there even is a virus, to even need a vaccine. That's why cucumbers test positive.

...when do they plan on approving the testing to show there really is no covid bs?🤪

Hollywood clowns have been quiet, what are they planning next? I can Juss Smellet something fishy.

Resigning is too good....and Como said he neva did nuttin. Nancy will just nominate her son on the Dominion database.🤪

..would that not be a perfect way to intentionally "simulate' a blood clot?

...but they forgot to include how to stop the audits! 👈😝

The small amount of chlorine and algicide in my pool works wonders eliminating bacteria, germs and ...likely keeping me and the kids as clean and clear as the water too! Good for skin, hair, ears, nose, etc...the little bit you might swallow probably helps too.😉

😜Soo.. everybody stay home, then they can come around to infect everyone? Everybody should wash their front door and knob if they touch it. I wouldn't trust them drug pushers.

I have read before that insider trading is actually legal for congress folks. I am sure they would devise an insurance plan for themselves as they do their special s.s. plan.

The world knows. POTUS Trump votes were suppressed too, I bet more over 100 million votes. Grandpa Telepromt couldn't fill six circles.

...more like the dollar lost .03 cents value.

where do you find his post? the last post I see was in May.

We are united by our Constitutional laws. Allowing foreign infiltration is much worse…Fight, Stop the Steal. If you steal my wallet...I will take it back!!

The schools and doctors tried to daily drug my kid age 6 in school saying he has ADHD. My ex even filed a child abuse case to restrain me from even phone conversation with my 3 kids for 14 months, just so they could give one medication w/o my consent. They set him in corner, restricted him from recess and lunch with others…which made him more angry. I had to go to the school and board to teach these dumb asses to have some patience, as he is suffering thru a family divorce….they had no idea!
Still, their only concern was his “attendance” as this effects their state $$ budget.

… they all get book deals. Just a cover. Where else could they say they get all their millions from

I do my best to stay on His good side….
Isaiah 45:7

...and immediately registered and eligible to vote. twice!

When you got the measles, you become immune and didn't need or take a vaccine afterwards. If so many people are infected with the covid-hoax, why would you need a vaccine then? ...nimwits