Gee, this sounds amazingly like INSIDER TRADING. Which, last I checked, is a felony punishable by up to $5 million in fines and 25 years in prison. (And I just checked. Took all of 20 seconds.)
But I guess if you're into criminal activity as a lifestyle and you're a Democrat (the two seem to go hand in hand) then you don't have to worry about it.
Pelosi's Husband Bought Amazon Options Just Before New DOD Contract
Pelosi bought Amazon calls just before the Pentagon canceled a contract with Microsoft and started a new one that could benefit the company.
I have read before that insider trading is actually legal for congress folks. I am sure they would devise an insurance plan for themselves as they do their special s.s. plan.

eep opp ork ahah because the world need more love in it listen Hopi elders and know their prophecy TRUST GOD THE CREATOR and pray
Don't you know that made it legal for politicians to do insider trading
Tesla too, before Biden admin announces 'environmental' agenda
Confronting Pelosi on insider trading - CBS News
When Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, and other lawmakers wouldn't answer Steve Kroft's questions about insider trading, he headed to Washington to get some answers about their stock trades.

Quack it is a duck

This is how the Pelosi's have been operating for years. They were outed by news outlets years ago with absolutely no consequences.