OregonPatriot Here
2 years ago

OregonPatriot Here

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In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Does this message include Trump? Pompeo? Flynn? and Possibly JFK Jr.? Q???

In response QLou BellaBoo to his Publication

🤣Language?🤣 I always smile when my good friends husband "affectionately" reminds her. I honestly think Psaki is an actress in the movie and she is playing her part well.

In response Dennis 369 to his Publication

I hope the guy reported this cop!

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

Unfortunately it won't be first thing Monday, I saw where the AZ. Senate still needs to "comb through the Audit Numbers to make sure they are not releasing something that is not accurate" ??? WTF Maybe they should have done that 9 1/2 months ago?? Ya. No Rush. It's not that important if the Election was rigged and stolen and millions of U.S. Citizens and people Worldwide are suffering. That's Sarcasm just in case.

In response Mike Frankenfitz to his Publication

PLEASE, start with me. Block Me🙋‍♂️ Please. That's a first.😁

In response arba happihr to her Publication

Thanks for posting your lists. I just posted them on my FB page. I am fairly quiet on Anonup because so many are awake. My FB friends are a different story. I am sure I lost a few more sleeping star struck friends just now when I pushed post. But I don't post things to hold their hands. I post things so IF/When they do find out from the TELEVISION THEY WON'T LOSE THEIR SHIT COMPLETELY. Thanks again.

In response P.Q.Anon PCP to her Publication

A Great Idea for a rainy day while camping. Especially if you have kids, or a spouse that is reluctant (a pansy) to go outside or do things in the rain. The best thing is to get them out in the rain. Show them that's it's just water and it shouldn't prevent you from enjoying camping or life for that matter. Teach them to dress properly. Teach them about thunder and lightning and where to find safety. Teach them the dangers of flash floods and what to watch for. Build a shelter to protect them from the elements in case they find themselves in that situation. Survival skills and how to catch that rain water. The last thing to do is sit and whine that it's rainy it is ruining my camping trip. Ask my EX_GIRLFRIEND what that got her.😁 And of course playing cards, dice and board games are great too. THANKS FOR THE NEWS BLASTS!!! I look forward to them everyday!😍

🤣 You talking the Dancing Bear and odd photo comms? Yes, a dangerous distraction for sure. And Charlie W. is MI6.🤣

Thanks for the pointer. I was in Florida a few years back. We coincidently came across Koreshan State park. Have you heard of Koreshan Unity? I found the museums and theory of hollow earth to be very fascinating. His believes on Celibacy being the path to heaven. I chose concentrat more on the Hollow Earth model. LOL

This post is NOT PERSONAL. I know (most)Anons intentions are 100% good. Anons just want to help others. It's not about ego. But, It always amazes me. When someone responds to a post that questions that post or statement without showing proof of their own claims or statement. Not a link or even what their theory may be? If a person truly wants to share and educate then do so. Isn't that why we are all here. To learn, to share, and overall help make everyone aware of the lies we've been told. People will say I just wanted to spark your interest so you will do the digging. That's great. But, not everyone has the time or knowledge to begin the dig. That is why many people come to social media. To learn what they cannot learn from TV! It has been said many times. "ANONS ARE the NEWS NOW!" So at the very MINIMUM PLEASE point people in the right direction that backs up your claims. I personally would LOVE TO KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS about Flat Earth and where to research the truth. Thank you.

In response Mr. Bee+G&J to his Publication

I will see if I have a video of the Edge. Not mine personally. I am not sure I saved it. Maybe an Admiral Byrd video. It showed miles and miles ofa very tall Ice wall. As far as the eye could see. Maybe a Do some digging. It's a fun conspiracy theory. Besides it will help pass the time until Trump comes back.

In response Eric Larson to his Publication

Speaking of Firmament. I just saw this this past weekend. Where was it? Think about a Rainbow. What is it reflecting off of? The video showed a glass being used in a way that the firmament would be positioned. I was like!🤔😱 And you know the Moon Landing was Fake. So there you go. More lies from those who tell us it is round. And what I have read. The images we see of the round earth are ALL ARTIST RENDETIONS. Satelites don't exist they use hot air ballons. I know. I am still wrapping my mind around it. I never thiought I'd be living in a stinking TWILIGHT ZONE EPISODE. Oh and there is a video of the CABAL trying to penetrate or blow up the Firmament. It shows the rockets or missles just skipping alonng the DOME.

In response Eric Larson to his Publication

🤷‍♂️There you go. When theories start to blend. The context of their story comes into question. I have spent a lot of time on the Beach. As you watch that cruise ship steam off into the distance it slowly disappears. I use to think it was because of the curvature. Until someone pointed out. But if you use binoculars the ship you still see the ship just not by your naked eye. Then the ship disappears again. Until you pick up a telescope and WHALA the ship is still in sight. Now I am not mathematician or anything like that. But if the earth was round and based on what we are told that ship should not be visible by any means after a certain distance.🤷‍♂️

In response Eric Larson to his Publication

Thanks for the reply. I enjoy a good conversation. I don't know off hand about what you are saying is true. I'd have to study it a bit. Have you studied how the sun allegedly works with the FE model? If not you should. But maybe let's start by keeping it simple as possible since we are not face to face.. Help me understand these flight patterns? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TLMbk3n2hA And why planes don't fly over Antarctica? What about the properties of water and how Lakes are flat and calm when the Earth is supposedly spinning, orbiting the sun and travelling through the Universe all allegedly at thousands of miles an hour. And yet People can't feel it spinning and moving in 3 directions at thousands of MPH. And let's think Gravity. If it is so powerful. Are helium Balloons stronger than gravity. Butterflys? Mosquitoes? SORRY, I mentioned lets keep it simple. I definitely find it very fascinating. Is it a life changer? NO! Not compared to the other issues we are dealing with.

Southern Flights PROVE Flat Earth - YouTube

Source videos: https://youtu.be/DzmJCtMY4uo. https://youtu.be/eTXh3amDy6MGET THE BOOK! 16 Emergency Landings Proving Flat Earth. https://www.lulu.com/...

In response Mr. Bee+G&J to his Publication

I am not a Hardcore FLAT EARTHER by any means. But have you spent anytime researching it? If so you must have some huge questions. I know I didn't research it until listening to some information from JasonQ. Here is a pretty convincing video. To be honest I only made it to#59 of 200 before I said OKAY. Now like many past lies the Cabal has told us I am waiting for FULL DISCLOSURE of the truth. Like many things these days. I am a big boy, I can handle it. CAN I PLEASE JUST HAVE THE TRUTH! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNccEvT2k5-sC_Yf3X-w7kw

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

I had not seriously considered Flat Earth. I laughed it off like many. It was during my MAJOR Wakie Wakie this past year that I realized that what they were saying was true. Most EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN TAUGHT IS A LIE. So I opened my mind to the possibilities of many things I had waved off before, including Flat Earth. From the Bible, Nasa Docs, and lots of videos I am now leaning towards FLAT. Here is a SHORT video(3 minutes 36 seconds) that I share with my busy friends and family that has opened their minds to the possibility that Earth is Flat. Is It another CABAL lie?

Southern Flights PROVE Flat Earth - YouTube

Source videos: https://youtu.be/DzmJCtMY4uo. https://youtu.be/eTXh3amDy6MGET THE BOOK! 16 Emergency Landings Proving Flat Earth. https://www.lulu.com/...

In response Utsava Prophecy to his Publication

😍Tell US More!😍

In response Photon 333 to her Publication

I didn't feel Berated or Shamed. If you've been awake for decades you should understand better then most that what he is saying is true. Most people in this world still don't know.

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

🙋‍♂️Calling ALL Patriots here in Oregon. Let's show our love.🖕Kate Browneye! And her Crony Wheeler. Praying they are both at GITMO.

In response Redbird 4Texas to her Publication

Redbird,There is a tutorial you can share with your deniers. Step by step so they can look for themselves. I REDPILLED several of my friends and family that still trust the CDC. I tried posting the link from my FaceBook but it left me vunerable so you'll have to do a bit of searching. IT IS WORTH THE DIGGING. Search, Jason Q on Facebook. Post, Dated April 30th. Kelli VEARS Information Tutorial "One Republic News."

In response Chuck Davis to his Publication

Really Chuck? Morons? Independent Minister?

In response Curious Juice to his Publication

Good Morning, I appreciate your reply. I have a Telegram acct. but I am so Tech challenged and T is so different then what I am use to. I havent made the time to figure out how Telegram works. I lost a $1000 bet when Faux Biden was Inaugurated. Like our President
Trump I am compiling evidence to show it was an illigitimate inauguration. The Liberal I paid the bet to is a MSM thick headed liberal. But, He did say if I could prove the BS he would consider the evidence. So I need a stack of evidence. Without taking up to much of your time could you please point me or send me the page link to the info showing the USA Corp. was dissolved. Thank You so much!

AWESOME!!! I am 24 days into my 30 FB ban. This speech needs to be shared. So I had to take the time to SHOT GUN THIS TO ALL MY PATRIOT FB FRIENDS ON MESSENGER!!! TIME WELL SPENT FOR SURE!!!

In response Curious Juice to his Publication

Thanks, I appreciate the info. I was curious. Have you or Heather or anyone seen the Notification on this site that the US of A Corp. was Dissolved? I have looked in Dec. of 2020. Couldn't find it.

In response J.P. Lloyd to his Publication

And your PLAN to save this nation is ??? Where can WE see your ANSWER???

In response SJ. Rocks to her Publication

Confident and Relaxed. I like him that way. Sometimes and only sometimes at his rallies I see him border on being a politician.

In response Angry Angel17 to her Publication

My suggestion is YouTube. I went from binge watching All the Great Awakening info to watching gardening videos. So much to learn about both. But now that I trust the plan I am free to grow. This year is my first garden. And I am loving it. Barefoot and connecting to nature. I am here in Oregon so I have been able to get things in the ground early and things are popping. So much enjoyment watching things grow right before your eyes. Get yourself a variety of Lettuces and greens. They grow faster then weeds. I had to give a large bag to the neighbor tonight I had so much. Good Luck!

In response Tina Howell to her Publication

1st Binge Watch I have done in a long time. Tears came when they talked about cutting done the Giant Trees. Which Jason Q had already enlightened me on. But, the Grand Canyon, the Oceans and many landscapes are Ancient Quarries dug by Giants.😲 That's new.

In response OregonPatriot Here to his Publication

Oh I forgot to mention to be sure and watch "What On Earth Happened" from the beginning. I was awake to much of what is said until he discloses how the Grand Canyon and other Geographical formations were really made. And it wasn't the tiny river at the bottom like we were told. MORE LIES! And how giant Silicon Trees were cut or torn down. Devils Tower?