"Lt. Gov Mark Robinson of NC absolutely drops the mic and will leave you with goosebumps. Make this man my Governor - NOW.

“We don’t come from some weak, jelly-backed, spineless people. That’s not who we come from, none of us. And it doesn’t matter what color you are, or what nation your folks hail from. How much money you got - we all share the same name. We are Americans. And at Bunker Hill there was Americans. And at Fredericksburg and Gettysburg, there was Americans. And at Iwo Jima, raising that flag on Sirabachi, it was Americans. And at Pork Chop Hill, it was Americans. Khe-Sahn, it was Americans. And on 9/11, it was Americans who ran towards those burning buildings. THAT IS WHO YOU SHARE YOU HERITAGE WITH!!! You do not share your heritage with a weak and ineffective people who cower at the sign of trouble! You share your heritage with a strong and brave people who are determined to hold on to their freedom! And for the freedom of ...”

From https://t.me/Absolute1776/1594

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"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny" "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid" WWG1WGA

I want that man as our Governor, RIGHT FREAKING NOW!

This speech should be required on all stations not just once but several times just like they keep making us see Fraudchi every 2 min. on every show plus it should be required for all students to hear. Bravo!!!!!!!

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.

Bravo! The ONLY way to stop tyranny is to STOP COMPLYING with it. Fught back, grow a spune, learn to say NO! Stop financing evil, boycott products and entities that support evil.

AWESOME!!! I am 24 days into my 30 FB ban. This speech needs to be shared. So I had to take the time to SHOT GUN THIS TO ALL MY PATRIOT FB FRIENDS ON MESSENGER!!! TIME WELL SPENT FOR SURE!!!
