Truth Angel
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Truth Researcher. Awake For Years.

In Colmar, France, where Bartholdi is from, there is a smaller replica statue on outside of town that sits in a round-a-bout. The cobblestone streets there are littered with tiny triangle gold markers. And here is this poster that hangs inside the Bartholdi musuem.

I have the whole report in PDF format but cannot attached PDFs on this site. However, you can download a copy at the website where it originated by visiting Here is a link to the expert evaluation on adverse effects of the Pfizer vaxx that came out today:
Expert evaluation on adverse effects of the Pfizer-COVID-19 vaccination - Frontline News
May 09, 2021. America's Frontline Doctors. Expert evaluation on adverse effects of the Pfizer-COVID-19 vaccination

Same here in NoCA. I've lost the desire to participate in group activities (i.e. bookclub) as all they talk about is how great it is to be vaccinated and two of them are RNs and two others work in senior care. On work calls with vendors/clients, the question of whether anyone's been vaccinated yet always arises. It's also hard for me to go to Church as I feel I'm condoning the mask requirement by gathering (for outdoor service) and become irritated at the priest when he pops off saying wearing the mask is a good, kind and loving thing we should do for our neighbors. 🤦♀️ Your right, fear is from the devil and so many are conditioned to living life that way, brainwashed in large part by the tell-lie-vision.

So it's 'dead in the water'. 🤔

More like stuck in throat. It's been anchored since arriving.

This child is clearly traumatized. He's lucky to have found this border patroller. So many unlucky. 😢

Could "Red Sea Evergreen" mean the red [people] see [only] green?

Evergreen International Aviation is a CIA owned airline front company for chemtrail operations! CIA is the enforcement arm of the Council on Foreign Relations and key player driving towards a world government (NWO). Evergreen’s public relations member is/was Philip Lader who worked under the head of the CIA … Leon Panetta, as White House deputy of staff under Bill Clinton. Perhpas this is when and how HRC got her SS nickname? Read article here: 👇

If everyone stopped getting tested, the Covid numbes would go down, maybe even dissapear and we'd be done with this plandemic. If you get sick, like any other time, just stay home, get rest, take HCQ, zinc and Vit D and you should be fine again in a few days.

SWAT Teams currently in pursuit for "possible gunman" now at the California Veterans Home in Yountville, Napa Valley.
Update: Possible Gunman Reported At Yountville Veterans Home
Law enforcement officers from across Napa County responded to reports Tuesday morning of a gunman on the grounds of the Yountville Veterans Home.

Here we go again. Another FF for sheeple distraction of the election fraud.

Great points! The "Covid vaccine" isn't even a true vaccine by definition. Rather, it's an experimental gene therapy.