Sunny Day
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Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
yes! lately ive been thinking its controlled opposition.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
Maybe i am fooled by Gene Decode. thought his story was believable about them wanting to burn the people inside the church on Easter, so it was burned 4 days early while empty by the white hats and MO was shocked to watch it burn early from her boat trip. We know these people are Satanists. i can imagine they would need this type of sacrificial energy to bring up Satan into the AntiChrist. I thought it was a Jihad Muslim who set the fire walking on the church balcony who died there. No one ever told us who that was. The part i had trouble with was of the clone of Jesus and that he burned in that fire. How did they get Jesus' DNA?

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A whistleblower said they will use holograms for the UFO, but be firing real lasers so it looks like the UFO is doing it.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
yes! Trump means we saved millions and millions of lives not in covid deaths, but in the vaccine deaths that would have occured had their version come to be, and it would have been mandatory. Those demons were going to Jim Jones us all.

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i hope this goes the way we expect it will. i am optimistically cautious.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
Trump has alot of power with GOP voters. i believe he is giving every republican the opportunity to MAGA, America First, and if they follow through, he endorses them. Trump's endorsements win.

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This is a PEDO school for grooming children? All parents should take their kids out ASAP and sue the school.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
Rapes skyrocketing in EU countries where the people were disarmed and the rapists (migrants) knew it.

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Anyone who refers to QAnon as a real thing, is from the left. there is no QAnon. it doesn't exist. The media made it up. There is only Q and people who talk about Q posts anonymously. Besides, what does this have to do with a delusional mentally ill mother trying to kill her kids? Quite a conflation!

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Im surprised anyone atill interviews Jaun O'Savin. its torturous to get a simple question answered.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
ive had chickens forever. i figured they would stop the sale of them, prohibit goats and chickens, prohibit the sale of seeds so you can't grow your own, all while they pay farmers to destroy their crops. even Hitler let you have one chicken for a family of 5 and grow food. our government is WORSE than Hitler.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
i put up the other pages, but this site only puts up one page. so here is one more. mind you, i don't know if this is true but if you look closely, the people look like them, but something is off, or they are just plain missing.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
hard core Marxist states still forcing us to breath our own co2 and body waste back into our bodies. NY, CA, MA knock it off!

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
But did the white hats destroy the walmart fema camps yet?

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i want to know too.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
Because Jack is Islamic. He hates Jews and he hates America.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
i love that message from James Woods. He would make a great President. 😎

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
this is why Trump rushed a vaccine out and endorses it. it was the lesser of two evils. theirs would have been mandatory for everyone. Trumps "emergency use only" one saved alot of lives. more people would have died under theirs because people would have had no other option.

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My thoughts -
Bill and Linda died in 2013. The people who play them are going their seperate ways. The rest is the seizing of his assets for crimes against humanity, reserved for the right time to crash the markets. People will think his wife got it all, but it will be going back to the people he stole it from.

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you can see the beard on her. The white hats always make it obvious enough that those awake can see the truth. the leftist cult can not see it no matter what you do and they are the reason this illusion (movie) is even necessary.

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i have faith we can turn this around when i see judges that are doing their job like this one.

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this is true. higher education is nothing but indoctrination camp and people with lots of left brain activity can't reason. they just mylinate the grey matter nuerons of whatever they are taught so they can't unlearn it.

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crimes against humanity. death penalty. how do we ever trust medical professionals again? i know i do not!

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Aint that the truth. i can't wait for this to happen. BRING IT ON!

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thanks. already doing it.

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i have a few questions for Gene Decode. if this is true, then what does it matter if Biden is POTUS? What does anything matter? Do all our bodies die to this earth in order to be born on the other? Does the energy raising process open us up to seeing interdemensional beings that we could not percieve before?

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
what a great idea. where did you get that?

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
"Almost" half? The cops have been beating the crap out of the tax paying french citizens for peacefully protesting, and their military stood by and did nothing. Its about damn time the military stepped up and took over that treasonous government.