Stereo Realist
@StereorealistNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

You are a constant source of inspiration, Martin.

We sure will.

This has been my working thesis, but it is just conjecture. We need more facts.

Get you banished!

Millions will die. To save billions? Was there no other way?

I stopped buying Coke and Pepsi long ago. Very unhealthy product lines.

Ive been to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Amazing place. Hard to believe that it covers both the tomb and Calvary. Very little of the original sites left to see. Unfortunately, the video doesnt give us much more of the church or the tomb.

a) Floyd overdosed before the arrest.
b) He was complaining about breathing before he was hand-cuffed.
c) Chauvin's weight was on his right knee which was on Floyd's back, not the left knee.
d) Chauvin and Floyd worked as bouncers for the same nightclub.
e) Chauvin did not seem to respond to Floyds cries.
f) Ambulance workers did not commence CPR.
g) Floyd's legs seemed to be missing.
h) Local dummy manufacturer made a Floyd look-alike dummy before the incident.
i) Floyd's hair before and after are different
Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

would not open. playback error.

we dont need no "education" .

I thought it was just age.
And good dope!

chick with a dick. and a third arm.

Fall of the Berlin Wall

i cant find this info anywhere.

I assumed that the miracle COVID-19 vax is just backstock of the annual flu vax...

that is so cool!

please let it be so!

johnson & johnson

classic Sleepy Joe!

too mystical for me.

Uncle Walt never wanted the Jews to run his company.

Now you know why they run those annoying cameras that take 20 shots per second.

Good advice. Thank you for sharing.

Yes. note he said "Q" not "Qanon" the media buzzword.
he reads Q!

Better to know. These back stabbers need to be retired.

Nice smile, though.

@ghostezra, what is the business with "Jacob Chansley" (Jake Angell) denouncing the President and "deprogramming"?
Which group is he lying to, us or them?

It has never made sense to me that decomposing matter would work its way down five or more miles and somehow rarely work its way back up to the surface. most carbon from decomposing matter is immediately reused by new growth.

please explain why this asshole deserves any respect or attention.