Roqoiau Albrian
8 months ago

Roqoiau Albrian

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Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

In response CYBERNINJA_1961 to his Publication

Dear Lord dude, you’re gonna use a kids cartoon to prove flerf??
You don’t understand real science, Physics, math or the Bible.
What is holding that pancake up?
When scripture talks about the firmament it does not mean what you think it means research the Hebrew word.

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Don't know what you are expecting to see but light follows a straight line. The earth curves away at the horizon and light becomes an infinite point.
Totally inconclusive.

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

In response AMERICAN PUNISHER to his Publication

Snowden is a traitor, a ccp/cia plant and a spy.
Research what Q had to say about Snowden.

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

In response Silver Cat to his Publication

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

In response Silver Cat to his Publication

Doubt it. More than likely just casting dispersion against Trump to make it look like he is motivated by personal revenge instead of love of country and the American people.

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

I would suggest watching the movie Devs .
My Conspiracy Theory would put Q as the NSA Quantum mainframe AI.
Collecting data from all over the world from every intelligence agency, Financial institution, MSM and SM server. It’s a Fact that all US data runs through two choke points, both having feeds to the NSA.
Running simulations like a Planet wide game of SIMCITY.

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

Ben saying that for 4 years!

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication

Don't be ignorant. That video was filmed from through the bay window. Same as you seeing your image when you look in a window.

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

Nothing like flooding the timeline to get you blocked no matter how true your message is. -smh

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

Incredible... Gave me chills.

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

In response Earth Alliance to his Publication

No airbags deployed. Couldn't have been a serious malicious attempt.

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

I saw it live on tv. It wasn’t a polaroid camera with film that needed to be developed, Ace

Army Of Northern Virginia Trump won

May do you good to read up on the Hebrew meaning of “firmament”