Righteous Weed
3 years ago

Righteous Weed

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ok, for those on telegram... new person to follow... SpecOperator17, collegue of Qfrogman5326... and don't forget Yellowstone Wolf... i don't know them personally but the last one is in play. just my two cents for anyone paying attention.

City State happenings since jan 20 in DC alone.
1. fake inauguration (disappearing girls, one in pink, one in white... one in pink does a wardrobe change a couple of time between pink and blue).
2. FauxTUS isn't in the oval office, main tell is the windows... w.h. windows are inside out compared to castlerock set
3. The fencing- has bolts on the OUTSIDE.
4. Pelosi is under guard
5. 8 days dark at the white house
6. When the flag flys over the WH, it's not taken down and put up each dusk till dawn.
7. NG Gen, "we're here to ensure a peaceful transition of power to the military"


just for a laugh

nothing is as it seems

this look familiar????

buffalo horn guy... possible white hat with a declass

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

Navy Vet - 30 Years Served - #Patriot - Conservative stuck in CA - Booted 5th time from Twatter. Lost 15K beautiful Patriots! #XRP

Catholic (Not Vatican II) cmri.org / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA


"Today is the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. I look forward to the day when the Supreme Court recognizes that all preborn children inherently possess a right to life.

To that end, on Monday I will introduce a bill that bans abortions based on a Down syndrome diagnosis."

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

The BAR assoication a British Crown corporation of the City of London controlled the BAR. The BAR Created itself another pillar of law, and even another. America is three pillars of law under the constitution.
1/Legislative branch
2/Executive branch
3/judicial branch
The BAR as Fourth
and Sharia Law as Fifth?
Traitors, treason, treason, treason, criminal slave racket, usurping rights of the people.

Too much info adds to our long term memory loss, it distracts to a point. Case & point, healing frequencies. Did u know, there was a scientist who found a way to cure any/all diseases by taking a sample, shining light on it to measure the frequncey which illuminates the virus or bacteria, then taking that frequency as a sound & immersing the subject in the sound waves. said scientist was celebrated, headlines stated, "the end of sickness". How quickly we forget. Then, add to it HCQ, Ivermectin, or most dewormers as a cure for cancer & Covid

so, what about all the fukery afoot??? biden signing.... what exactly? not EO's... and not from the white house (hint, no bushes outside the window and.... a walkway and a driveway within view of the cameras from the windows... take a look, not the white house. No ring on his finger... no EO's showing up online, could be it takes a little while to populate, i guess.

so, as 2020 part B continues and we trudge along on day 2 of the 10 days of darkness, all i can do is hope and pray... hope i see justice and pray for America and.. Justice.


i make no apologies... Biden is the lie, the deception, Trump won in a landslide so big it broke their algorythms and their mail ins, and their, and their.... to the point they had to shut it all down for a few hours to figure out how much they needed. It's blatant, it's proven. Our SC Justices are cowards and chief amongst them is Roberts.

Trump is President still and will be again by the spring... that's my prediction.