Kevin Nicholson
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Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
Live Q&A: US Corporations Controlled by China; Facebook Pressured on Trafficking Content
Big businesses in the United States are being controlled by the Chinese government through various means, according to ...
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"The biodistribution study obtained by Bridle showed lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine did not stay in the deltoid muscle where they were injected as the vaccine’s developers claimed would happen, but circulated throughout the body and accumulated in large concentrations in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and — in “quite high concentrations” — in the ovaries....
Malone said there needed to be monitoring of vaccine recipients for leukemia and lymphomas as there were concentrations of lipid nanoparticles in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. But those signals often don’t show up for six months to three or nine years down the road, he said....
According to Malone, the FDA knew the COVID spike protein was biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.
In fact, Malone was one of many scientists to warn the FDA about the dangers of
WATCH: Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Sounds the Alarm of Lipid Nanoparticles from Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines Accumulating in Vital Organs - Stillness in the Stor..
(We Love Trump) A couple of weeks ago, Dr. Byram Bridle relayed research of the horrific findings that the spike protein from the experimental jabs was accumulating in organs.
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"President Donald Trump: We got a big victory yesterday in court as you probably heard and were watching being reported. In Georgia a big victory. Arizona the senators are great patriots. I tell you, Karen Fann, and Borelli and all of these senators, they are great patriots and they will be recognized as such, what they are doing with the forensic audit. And it starting now in Pennsylvania. You have some great senators up there. It’s starting in Wisconsin. I think the people running the senate in Michigan, they’ll be overthrown. There’s something very wrong going on in Michigan. Detroit was one of the worst places. Maybe the single worst place in the United States and their trying to pretend nothing happened. Detroit always has been very, very corrupt with respect to elections. Probably the worst in the country. And the Republicans there are trying to throw it under the rug, so I think they’ll be primaried and get them out of there because they’re no good… You have to know about it to
President Trump Cheers HUGE Court Win in Georgia - Calls Out "No Good" Michigan RINOs, "They'll Be Overthrown" (VIDEO)
President Trump joined Newsmax TV on Friday morning where he was joined by his former ambassador and DNI Rick Grenell. As usual, President Trump did not hold back. Trump cheered the news from Georgia from Thursday. As we reported earlier, Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero ruled on Thursd..
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"At publishing time, the outdoor megastore had further revealed that customers making any purchase of $50 or more this weekend will be given a "Fat Man" shoulder-mounted mini nuke launcher absolutely free. Wow!"
Bass Pro Shops Announces 2-for-1 Sale On All Nuclear Missiles | The Babylon Bee
The Babylon Bee is Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire.
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
Rothschild Bank of London drone....

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
N(ot) A S(pace) A(gency) 😜
NASA Mars Hoax: “Rover” Is on Devon Island, Canada? You Decide - Alien UFO Sightings
Where On Earth Are NASA’s Rovers Sending Pictures From? There is an increasing number of people who believe that NASA’s rovers never left the Earth in the first place, and the pictures they are allegedly
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Fed has vastly expanded the scope of its repo operations to funnel cash to money markets. The Fed’s facility makes cash available to the primary dealers in exchange for Treasury and other government-backed securities. Before coronavirus turmoil hit the market, the Fed was offering $100 billion in overnight repo and $20 billion in two-week repo. It ramped up the operations on
March 9, offering $175 billion in overnight and $45 billion in two-week repo. Then, on
March 12, the Fed announced a huge expansion. It is now on a weekly basis offering repo at much longer terms: $500 billion for one-month repo and $500 billion for three months.
On March 17, at least for a time, it also greatly increased overnight repo offered. The Fed said that these liquidity operations aimed to “address highly unusual disruptions in Treasury financing markets associated with the coronavirus outbreak.” In short, the Fed is now willing to loan what is essentially a
What is the repo market, and why does it matter?
Cheng and Wessel explain what repo market is, what happened in repo market in September 2019 and Fed's responses.
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"Part of the problem is due to a process called Triffin’s Dilemma, named after economist Robert Triffin. Triffin said that the issuer of a dominant reserve currency had to run trade deficits so that the rest of the world could have enough of the currency to buy goods from the issuer and expand world trade.
But, if you run deficits long enough, you would eventually go broke. This was said about the dollar in the early 1960s. The SDR would solve Triffin’s Dilemma.
I wrote about SDRs and the global elite plans for them in the second chapter of my 2016 book, The Road to Ruin.
Over the next several years, we will see the issuance of SDRs to transnational organizations, such as the U.N. and World Bank, for spending on climate change infrastructure and other elite pet projects outside the supervision of any democratically elected bodies.
I call this the New Blueprint for Worldwide Inflation.
But Triffin’s Dilemma is not the only dynamic that’s pushing the world away from the do
The "Great Reset" Is Here, Part 1: The New Blueprint For Worldwide Inflation | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
“He went specifically to the DIA, which tells me in his analysis the DIA has not been tinged with dirt,” he said. As McInerney has stated on numerous occasions in the past, he detailed how anyone with knowledge of what drives the CIA, NSA, FBI, and other Deep State institutions would never choose them to engage with out of fear for their lives.
Gen. McInerney believes that Dong Jinwei feared that he would be killed if he went to the CIA or FBI, as it was the leaders of those agencies who — under Obama’s orders — sold the signals-intercept capability known as ‘Hammer and Scorecard” to China, probably for at least $100 million. Adding to his fear is the knowledge he possesses of the U.S. Government-Democrat-CPP cooperation that delivered the Obama/Fauci-funded Wuhan Flu to the United States in what will soon be proven to be a direct biological attack on the U.S., a type of attack that normally would be considered a causus belli.
“Dong was in charge of all the agents globally for the Ch
Gen. Tom McInerney Reveals Why the CCP's Top Intel Head Defected to the DIA, NOT the CIA or FBI
Today, The Two Mikes had the good fortune to again host Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney (ret'd), who provided a good
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
Chilling Tweet Where John McAfee Declared He'd Never "Epstein Himself" Resurfaces After His Suicide
Today, the anti-government tech tycoon John McAfee was found dead in his jail cell in Barcelona, Spain. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! McAfee was arrested last October at the international airport in Barcelona on the tax evasion charges, which are pending in federal court in Tenness..
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"All of this is only verifying what Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) research Stephanie Seneff warned about antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE, which is basically vaccine-induced immune damage that makes a person more prone to getting sick.
“It is conceivable to me that the laser-beam specificity of the induced antibodies is offset by a general weakening of innate immunity,” Seneff says. “I also suspect that massive vaccination campaigns may accelerate the rate at which the vaccine-resistant mutant strains become dominant among all the SARS-Co-V2 [coronavirus] strains.”"
Vaccinated People Found to be 600% More Likely to Die from Covid 'Variants' than Unvaccinated People
Vaccinated People Found to be 600% More Likely to Die from Covid 'Variants' than Unvaccinated People
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"The US Senate on Tuesday blocked the “For the People Act” in a 50-50 vote – every Republican voted “no.”
The vote on the procedural motion to advance the bill needed 60 votes.
The “For the People Act” would federalize elections, make ballot harvesting legal and force states to let violent felons vote before completing their sentence."
BREAKING: Senate Republicans Block Democrats' 'Voting Rights' Bill - Kamala Harris Vows to Keep Fighting
The US Senate on Tuesday blocked the “For the People Act” in a 50-50 vote – every Republican voted “no.” The vote on the procedural motion to advance the bill needed 60 votes. The “For the People Act” would federalize elections, make ballot harvesting legal ..
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"The AAPS survey also showed that 54 percent of physician respondents were aware of patients suffering a “significant adverse reaction.” Of the unvaccinated physicians, 80 percent said “I believe risk of shots exceeds risk of disease,” and 30% said “I already had COVID.”
Other reasons for declining the shot included unknown long-term effects, use of aborted fetal tissue, “it’s experimental,” availability of effective early treatment, and reports of deaths and blood clots.
Of 560 practicing physicians, 56 percent said they offered early treatment for COVID."
Survey: Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots
Survey: Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
Summer Forecast 2021: Warm and Stormy Weather Ahead! - Farmers' Almanac
For many, summer is the most anticipated season of the year. But will summer weather cooperate? Are you in our "Severe Weather Zone"? Check our forecast and maps!
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"Meanwhile, Sky News out of Australia is reporting that airline companies in Spain and Russia are warning COVID-19 “vaccinated” people not to travel because of the risk of blood clots."
4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections – Spain and Russia Prohibit 'Vaccinated' from Air Travel
4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections – Spain and Russia Prohibit 'Vaccinated' from Air Travel
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
Feel Free to Follow Andrew's Telegram Channel for more updates.
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"The counter-unmanned air system (UAS) developed by DARPA uses new radar technology to detect UAS (drone) threats and then pairs targets with specific interception equipment. That interception equipment, which can be either small fixed-wing or small rotary-wing (helicopter-like) aircraft, is then launched to employ one of two types of non-explosive countermeasures to bring down problematic drones. The anti-drone system is designed to fit on existing military land or sea vehicles for deployment.
The counter-drone equipment is outfitted with non-explosive countermeasures so that it can be used near military personnel and equipment without posing a danger of injury or damage. Also according to the DARPA announcement, the non-explosive nature of the countermeasures means that the new anti-drone technology can be used in urban or other populated areas without endangering civilians.
DARPA is discussing one of its non-explosive approaches to bringing down drones, noting in its recent an
VIDEO: Drone on the range: Defense agency posts video of successful Eglin AFB anti-drone test | American Military News
The testing and evaluation of military equipment and munitions at Eglin Air Force Base routinely is shrouded in secrecy, but a recent
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
Well this is Terrifying... but also Corroborated 100% by Dr Deagle Dr. Bill Deagle Complete Lecture - Granada Forum 2006 TRACKING EVERYBODY WORLDWIDE, WANTS TOTAL CONTROL THIS..
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"More significantly, Real America isn’t buying any of it either. After the four great years of prosperity and victory under President Trump, the people voted overwhelmingly last November for a continuation of his efforts to “Make America Great.” But what they received in response was flagrant election theft, with tampered voting machines, massive numbers of illegitimate ballots, and every conceivable form of chicanery....
The combined significance of these events cannot be understated. According to the Declaration of Independence, legitimate government derives its “just powers from the consent of the governed.” In a stolen election of rampant cheating and lawlessness, the “consent of the governed” is the ultimate casualty. The “will of the people” is a mere distraction, and of no real consequence. The glaring incompetence of those claiming to be in power is actually a secondary concern, when compared to the dangers of unaccountability.
State governors who put the safety, security
Failing Leftist Coup Prompts Federation of State Governors
The flailing efforts of those controlling the Biden cabal to convince other nations that it is a "functional" entity are
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"Last Call: Urge Your Senators to Oppose the Equality Act Today!
The dangerous so-called Equality Act, which has passed the House, is on the verge of a vote in the Senate. It poses serious threats to pro-life laws, women's rights, parental rights and our education system. Send a message to your senators to vote NO!

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"3 STEPS to LEVEL UP the differences when attacked in a street fight. This week we discuss the right mindset and psychology of how to fight when you think the situation is unfair. Fights aren't going to be fair, so you have to adapt in order to defend yourself effectively."

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA
"Political correctness has almost shut down our ability to talk about Political Islam. Because of the fear of insults, name calling and job security, people are afraid to speak out.
There is a way to get around these fears. We need to learn how to use questions to advance knowledge. Using the right questions can help us defend our civilization.
Hint: this method is very old and was developed by the Greeks. It is called the Socratic Method, and it is very powerful.
If you would like to know how to ask better questions, read my book Measuring Mohammed."
How to Name the Enemy - Political Islam
Political correctness has almost shut down our ability to talk about Political Islam. Because of the fear of insults, name calling and job security, people are afraid to speak out.
Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA