Be careful if you do not need what God created—a horse for transporting, wood for heat and to cook, build, etc.—you might not need God any more. Man is the provider and creator. Man replaces God with himself and other men. Replacing the entire Bible. A fallen away from Our Creator.
The horse was created by God for transportation. Why are these horses kept by the government? Why are they treated so cruelly, going wild? Look in the mirror: Americans have become these wild horses. Gone wild without the domestication of Jesus Christ, his Holy Spirit. It is a crime to neglect horses, all animals, crops, and seeds for collectivism. What men call progress when it is the opposite? No one knows how to do things the natural way. The right way, except maybe the Amish, but they have lost a lot of natural ways of staying alive, thriving, and mentally and emotionally healthy. Because they are forced, pushed around to use fiat counterfeit money.