PG here. 1.) A real good look at Jesus Christ's principles for living a healthy life with his leadership. There is no other leader worldwide. All men are false anti-Christ, cult leaders. We, the people, have been severely abused our entire lives by each other! Without knowing it. We push each other around to get others to not fight immoral people; "just go along to get along.". Choose between two evils. Many think it is the Holy Spirit. If it is the Holy Spirit, the choice will be holy; you will be holy; the action will be childlike, holy and pure, innocent. We push others around using the spirit of the world using the dragon or Chinese religion of wisdom, the Ying and Yang. It has been a system of what G. Edward Griffin calls "collectivism." Public schools, Corporations, mass production, manufacturing, industry, small businesses, Volunteer groups, Church groups, business men associations, unions, country clubs, etc. People in groups.