RD5 507
2 years ago

RD5 507

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patriot, plowman, planner

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Bay 17d to his Publication

So why have criminal bankers spent so heavily on coal assets? Control of energy? Coal-to-Gas (CTG) and Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) gives USA a 500 year supply of gasoline right? We don't need criminal bankers taking this over by strip-mining our income, yet those are Joe's puppet cadres at work. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/banks-have-spent-15-trillion-coal-2019

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Anthony Michau18 to his Publication

What a blessing. Go Wyoming!. 5th grade may seem a little young for a skool trap shooting team (moving targets) but if they can carry and aim a rifle, why not? Good skill to grow up young with. I waited for a coach to teach my kids right as freshmen in High School, could be done younger, sure.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

seems to me silver coins standard weight is the only way to pull the plug on evil mafia and their five decades of full-fiat investments into poison delivery system.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

Yes, the turmoil of these days is more like a marathon than a sprint. Our leader is "unto everlasting". He owns the future.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Thanks for sharing the posted pic and linkages. I have been wondering where some of that vocabulary was coming from. Have not looked at those charts in years. Just plain busy coping and keeping teenage daughters focused on their gardening and new shotguns.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Thanks for sharing. Ughh-ly idols. It seems bank mafia and tentacles like the UN cadres think heaven will grant them time to bring upon earth's people their man-made versions of bits and pieces of Revelation to John (except of course for chapter 20). Their hatred and arrogance toward us all are no surprise; the exposures are extreme.

The actions I know about at grass-root levels in multiple countries spell their doom. Who will God propser? The lowly and the kind-hearted as usual. Many I know in villages will hardly notice when this modern system fails to function anymore and there is a massive die off centred in and around the cities. The villages know they need to close the gaps on barter and gather more silver and copper coins. It is happening already. And that is just the little I know about.

I think the temple spoken of in late chapters of Ezekiel is centuries before Revelation. Master tells us God will decide the timings "until all has been accomplished". HalleluYH.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response RD5 507 to his Publication

"" Our (funeral) fee covers everything we do to support you in one payment. This fee is waived if you have lost a child under 18 years of age. ""

... I have Never before seen anyone do this, but it helps us understand better the man ... John O'Looney ... who delivers such testimony

... Here is the simple "about us" ... https://www.mkffs.co.uk/about-us

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

Truly refreshing. I love my coffee. Maybe too much. I should cut back. Thanks for the reminder. Does it really double as a shampoo? Hmmm...

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

In God's Plan We Trust. Hope to see on future silver coins of standard weight. But the old ones with In God We Trust will do fine until we get the minto rolling again.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication

God never left. We can scarcely imagine His indignation as we are called to act in any way we can find ... to be among those destroying the roots of all this so He can prosper us. Here is one on some latest schemes. Conspira-theories seem to be exposed in hours anymore.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

calm. from God's grace it flows. i do watch the world, and speak up sometimes when i think i can make a differnce. discernment improves and the words improve with practice. your posts are oft' refreshing in the wilderness of the internet. wishing you well.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Julie Casey to her Publication

In prayers daily. But good question. How many do see why the distractions are so many these days.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication

1979 expose, AMA history. They don't much talk about how 1918 pandemic was started by these same horrible people injecting US soldiers at Fort Riley then shipping out those who did not die right away to the front. Horror show after horror show. Recommending download of this PDF by anyone interested in the history of these people. It does not (in my recollection) deal directly with 1918 but has much background information of value. Worthy PDF for e-libraries


patriot, plowman, planner

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

wasn't the "mild variant" detected 5 months ago? and only released as a name brand when a script was agreed and MSM needed some new distraction?

patriot, plowman, planner

In response TLee K55 to her Publication

But the AHA, and AMA-associated and approved site, is full of liars and murders just like the dental ADA (fluoride, mercury in amalgam) and all others like them (FDA, CDC and more). That twitter has attached such a label to AHA post goes to Prove my point - that artificial ignorance (AI) is not as effective as natural ignorance against such mistakes .... But the imported militant Hindu cadre over there are too busy praying to that weird thing on the wall to take notice. So much for the myth of IT savviness - as long as those fiat currency payroll drops keep running, the cadre dances the dance of AI itself. Another short rant from the farm would not be complete without my calling once again for the return to silver coins, standard weight (Books of Moses, wise national laws, fiat currency impossible under such an orderly state of things, we are "doing it" already locally in parts of Kansas).

patriot, plowman, planner

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

would be interesting to see if there is "proof" of a real case of "something" (who knows what) or just hot air as usual

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Lukenda Mira to his Publication

the banking mafia is seeking out ANY real asset to flip their fiat paper into. we should never have let the silver coins disappear. silver coins standard weight, books of Moses, wise laws. Some are already pushing Hard back toward bartering goods and services with one another. Silver coins is a nice alternative. Still cheap at the fiat prices. Fiat is going down as WE pull the plug. So when we see the fronts for the banking mafia buying everything in sight that is REAL asset, no wonder, but their panic level is extreme. Build your local networks where you can. Learn more skills. Gather hand tools and materials. Seeds for gardening. This is what I see in the banker mafia panic.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication

cnn was never about real journalism - it was a vehicle to gobble up cable news assets so banking mafia could continue to control the narrative. JPMorgan 1920s purchase of 26(?) major newspapers was to "control public opinion". Radio. TV, Cable news. All the same banking mafia and now with fake money to do as they please. Bring m=back silver coins standard weight. Real journalism will reappear. A ten thousands of ills will disappear overnight. Silver coins. Standard weight. Books of Moses.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Coug girl7 to her Publication

maybe it was just a twitchy puppet string he was responding to, but nice meme

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Starry Peacock to her Publication

probably shadow ceo a long time. no sleeping vishnu this one.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Yol Ubsa to her Publication

the evil are careening. sonar hears them no matter where they meet. sub and sub base no place to hide. our archers can pierce them anywhere. the evil now careening far and wide.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Suu Kyi is a heroine of her people, the junta are crooked since Brit pullout, and PLA over-whelming the little generals decades ago. They killed Aung San, her father. She was under house arrest for decades. The people power that DID bring her to control over the government is being trampled by everyone who fell for the set-up saying she cheated an election? That the evil on left and right (Obama and Hillary) had her consent for same? The evil did Not put Suu Kyi in charge, the PEOPLE of Burma did and the evil now have a set-up that has many cheering at her downfall? God save Suu Kyi again please, her people still need her.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response RD5 507 to his Publication

This was seen posted by https://gab.com/TimCheung ... the PDF link just below is a collage of 5x pieces on show.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response sharon pasvant to her Publication

US Mil have bases and landing strips. We reached agreement to decrease the number of Marines there to spread them out along the second island chain, better for all of us including Japan. It is a slow process, decades long, but a good choice. Just to relocate a full battallion capability with support to new base, you may need to book about 12 months in advance in peacetime to get the ships and planes and trucks and rail you need in various places to carry that out. We need to be realistic about these things.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

isn't biden wearing a mask? just not admitting it?

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

Very nice - I am far away from family home at this time and used this for a Bible study this morning for my own heart's sake. Thank you for sharing.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response John Atkison to his Publication

what unintended consequences? was this not their intention writ large?

patriot, plowman, planner

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Conservative Christians in America and Europe are ALREADY out-growing all and are beyond islamist cultures in population expansion today. Perhaps conservative families in late stages of this current mess as a super majority of the healthy. And we are increasingly Armed -or- re-Arming ourselves especially among the Australians. The so-called globalists thought a "great awakening" of the masses as their big problem. It is more like the great awakening of the cabal itself to their increasingly fragile grip in the face of this shifting tide. If we would only go back to silver coins (Biblical) the cabal would find itself nothing more than a thick scab being brushed off an old wound. If we faint partway along the path, and settle for a "xxx-backed-whatever-they-call-it", then we prolong our own agony. In middle Kansas, we are working with some other families on creating values to trade, and we do have some silver coin among us too. Just saying.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

The 6000 year war ... Genesis 3:15 ... glad to see more waking up to the root ... evil hates all goodness, jealous of all goodness, especially innocent babies of all kinds. Spraying poison on the air and the food and the water ... then education and morals and more ... lies & injury & murder ... the outcome of their immense investments over last 100 years is enormous - but now negative returns everywhere. Will we dig down to hidden rooms and secret roots of masonic everywhere? doing that even in my rural area will take longer than many have the stomach to go in this fight. But we will get there ... how about your area? the evil should be given no quarter.

patriot, plowman, planner

In response Joelle Clista to her Publication

That patent is illegal due to "prior art" ... it was in the US Pharmacopia in 1910 if I remember right. It has a place in natural med lore for millenia. It was mentioned in the herbal tablets in King Ashurbannipal's library in 7c BC Nineveh if I remember right. The USPTO, WPTO, JPTO, they all need to be plowed under. The edited genes in bT corn have a patent, but it is illegal. It is a derivative work. The do not have the permission of our Creator to make or patent derivative works. He has sole Authorship. A crooked PTO granted illegal patents. Two things...
.1. Patents are on novel features claimed for an invention but it might have NEVER proven feasible and never actually worked. Many do. Many are only ideas. A patent does not mean it works.
.2. Patents are granted on the basis of applications and the due diligence of those reviewing. If the reviewer pretends there is no prior art in THC cures, it is a lie. The patent is void.

Calmly assess their moves. Legal reviews coming?